A note to every senior developer out there

It’s not our job.

Manoj Singh Negi
3 min readJan 12, 2019



It’s not our job to fix everything.

It’s not our job to fix every mistake done by our juniors.

It’s not our job to do extra code because we think we will do it much quicker than the developers we assigned to the task.

It’s not our job to be the one man army who is going to deal with everything while our team members party every time.

We has completed everything. We had been to that place. We had been The Superhero. A cure for all. A person who with the snap of a finger can fix all of the bugs ( Pretty much like Thanos just for the bugs 😅 ). We had been top of the line.

But now it is time to let it go. Now it’s time to stay back on the bench. We was the linchpin. Now it’s time to make other people linchpin. It’s our job to make developers more productive. Our job is to teach what we do to others. It’s our job to make more superheroes, more top of the line.

Our job is to get invisible and don’t touch everything. Our job is to only become visible when people truly need us.

Our job is to lead.

Take all of the blame and give them all of the credit.

Our job is to build quality developers, not quality code. Our job is to pass our legacy to them. We had our share of limelight now it’s their.

Our job is to push every junior developers to the front so they actually know what it feels like. Let them take the beating. Cross deadlines.

Our job is not to let them stay dependent on us. Our job is to make them independent.

Our job is not to tell them what they did wrong. Our job is to tell them why it was wrong what they did and how they would have provided a better solution to the problem.

Our job is to improve their thought process and how they approach and solve problems.

Our job is to leave coding and build better future developers.

Our job is not to be the magician. Our job is to tell our team members how to do magic.

Our job is to give junior developers enough chance to fail that they eventually succeed and yes it will be hard, in fact, it will be very hard.

They will fail badly and endlessly

They will fail badly and endlessly and that’s exactly where we had been when we started our career but in the end, we just turned about to be fine. They will too.

In the end, our job is to train people to be better than ourselves and of course take all of the blame and give them all of the credit.

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Hi, My name is Manoj Singh Negi. I am a Javascript Developer and writer follow me at Twitter or Github.

I am available to give a public talk or for a meetup hit me up at justanothermanoj@gmail.com if you want to meet me.

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Manoj Singh Negi

I write about Javascript http://eepurl.com/co0DYj. Solving people problems using code. Javascript developer, Writer.