Speed learning javascript

Are you ready?

Manoj Singh Negi
3 min readNov 24, 2018


Javascript is evolving and we are on that ride. In the past couple of years, the progression in Javascript ecosystem is overwhelming. There are enough UI libraries, Frameworks which will exhaust us in the process of learning them.

To stay competitive in the market a Javascript developer has to learn a lot of things and as the Javascript developers ecosystem starts to get crowded a fine developer have to learn things quickly too.

In my own case to stay and hold my ground as a Javascript developer, I hold up to a technique I refer to as “Speed learning through code”.

The technique is very simple and can be applied to multiple scenarios. It doesn’t matter if you learning Javascript, a library, any frameworks or an entirely new language you will find this technique very useful.

“Speed learning through code”

Learn the minimal amount of code or documentation you needed to setup a simple program or app in whatever you are trying to learn. You should also have a clear understanding of why is the library or framework even created in the first place.

Go to google and find open source code which uses that library or framework and go through its source code. You don’t have to entirely understand the code but try to get familiar with the syntax, the native methods used, the way code is formatted. Let me give you an example

I want to learn Javascript. I searched google and found this library spin.js. I opened the main spin.ts file

Then I started going through the code. I encountered document.createElement what is that? I will search google for this read through the explanation given and now I know what exactly document.createElement means. Then I encountered cancelanimationframe I don’t know what it is till today I did the same process on it and now I know what that means.

Exposing myself to learn a production ready piece of code I get the exact idea what I need to learn and what I need to avoid at least for now.

When we go through the documentation of anything we get to know few ways of using a method or function but when we actually see that function or method implemented in production we expose ourselves to all new ways to use a piece of code which rewire our brain to look at the code in different ways.


“Speed learning through code” is a very basic and simple technique with a fruitful result. If done correctly it can be used as a powerful tool to skyrocket your career as a software developer in today’s world.

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Hi, My name is Manoj Singh Negi. I am a Javascript Developer and writer follow me at Twitter or Github.

I am available to give a public talk or for a meetup hit me up at justanothermanoj@gmail.com if you want to meet me.

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Manoj Singh Negi

I write about Javascript http://eepurl.com/co0DYj. Solving people problems using code. Javascript developer, Writer.