8 Simple Tricks You Should Use to Optimize a Career Page

Make your Career Page stand out and use it as a powerful tool for reaching your goals.

Maryann Superlano
5 min readSep 15, 2021


Cover image for blog text reads Career Page optimization.

There are quite a few ways to attract prospective hires. However, when candidates set their eyes on your website in search of a job, where should they go? There must be a special corner of your site dedicated to employment and opportunities. So, how can you build and optimize a career page to draw the most qualified applicants?

Luckily for you, there are multiple simple ways to deal with this vital segment. Business owners can communicate their needs, requirements, and much more through these pages. Let’s review a proven set of rules to follow & nail your hiring efforts.

What Is the Purpose of a Career Page?

Before summoning a range of fairy creatures and warlocks to make talent come to you, try out a more down-to-earth approach. Create a slice of your website dedicated specifically to job seekers. Still, prior to rolling up your sleeves and building a new networking opportunity this way, know your terms and aspirations. What is a career page? It’s a place where the magic happens, and hiring needs start to get fulfilled. Or, in other words, it is an efficient form of reaching out to prospective hires. This particular page should showcase your company, highlight its mission and culture, depict the atmosphere, list the advantages of working there and contain all new job openings. These career opportunities should be composed wisely and speak out to the right crowd. Go ahead, learn how it works.

What Makes a Great Career Page?

To optimize a career page and drive more traffic, boost the results, and have a better candidate experience, you should start by covering the basics. Learn what makes a good careers page and focus on those elements.

Here are some of the career page — best practices:

  • Make sure that your career page is just a click away from the home page,
  • Focus on mobile users and grant them a superb (and straightforward) experience,
  • Pay close attention to the hero area and be sure to make it stand out,
  • Add features that will encourage your visitors to share a job opening with friends,
  • Include an FAQ section,
  • Find a perfect blend when it comes to the page’s content, and mix up some visual and written material.

Once you grasp these key points, brace yourself for some more tips & tricks that will help you position yourself as a prospective employer and hire developers (and other professionals) smoothly.

More Proven Tips to Optimize a Career Page With Ease

Aside from the accessibility, clickability, and ease of use, there’s more to career page optimization. It's quality and the outcomes that follow rely on several other factors:

  • Have a well-thought branding strategy that will depict your true colors and show your team as they are,
  • Align your core values, mission, and vision and display them for every prospective candidate to see,
  • Mention the perks of being part of your company and let the world know how you operate,
  • Review the content you share and keep an eye on the SEO optimization,
  • Update and brush up your job ads every once in a while,
  • Write precise and captivating job descriptions to gain potential applicants’ attention.

Don’t skip any of these essentials and crush your recruitment targets by playing it smartly.

Make a Strong First Impression — Boost Your Employer Brand

Studies have shown that nearly 75% of candidates actually care a lot about the employer brand. Being labeled as an employer of choice takes more than daydreaming. It requires a branding strategy that can easily be boosted through career page optimization:

  • Have a value proposition and make it clear,
  • Link your social media pages and update them regularly,
  • Focus on the good stuff you can offer to an employee, whether it’s a chance to attend conferences, obtain certificates, or participate in recruiting and selection (and getting bonuses) through employee referrals.

Ultimately, be sure to share all the relevant information here. Let your chosen audience know the real you.

Employee Experience as Part of the Branding Strategy

86% of job seekers research the company’s reviews and testimonials. So, making a mark by featuring some of the employees’ comments could do you nothing but good. If your staff didn’t get to leave a review so far, email them and encourage them to participate more actively in your branding strategy. Also, collect other comments your organization has received through various other sources and channels. Highlight the best ones and use them to your advantage. Finally, if you have any negative feedback from previous workers or candidates — be sure to get in touch with those people and see whether they can offer you further insight on what to correct.

Make Your Mission and Culture Clear from the Top

Have your goals changed over time? Surely, you have accomplished some of the ambitions your first core team had. However, some things, like company culture and essential values, rarely stray far from where you have started. Record and publish what you’re about. Candidates will love to see a mission statement. And they’ll also be keen on finding out more about your firm from the inside. Give them the piece of information they seek and know whether you’re right for each other immediately.

List the Benefits & Show Why People Should Work for You

Talents are driven by all sorts of incentives. If you’re clear about the motivators you promote and sets of benefits you provide for your employees, it’s less likely that you’ll receive applications from those who will end up rejecting a job offer due to mismatched expectations.

Name the most noteworthy perks of working at your company:

  • Flexibility and remote work,
  • Private health insurance,
  • Financial bonuses,
  • Retirement plans,
  • Extra vacation days,
  • Career growth and upskilling,
  • Organized trips to conferences,

And so on.

Still, countless recruitment fails happen due to a lack of transparency when it comes to salaries. It would be great if you avoid putting away the salary negotiation for the final stages of the hiring process. Instead, try and state a range you’re willing and able to offer for a certain position.

Pay Attention to SEO for Career Page

If you truly mean to optimize a career page, there’s no way to do it rightly without SEO optimization. What does it mean? Well, you’ll have to do some extra work. Remember the previous job description you have cleverly composed and now you’d like to reuse it as a perfectly acceptable template? Hate to break it down, but that’s not the right way to career page optimization.

Free samples work well as a guide. Nevertheless, to gain traffic and CVs, you will need to use your own words and phrases. Domain-specific terms and industry-related titles and jargon are kind of unavoidable. Learn more about how a search engine works and enrich your JDs with words that will drive more qualified talent to click and apply.

Post a Company Blog to Promote Carer Pages

Speaking of SEO… Is there a better way to share your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge than through an optimized blog post? If you’re already engaging with prospective candidates and other industry specialists through a company blog, then kudos. If not — what are you waiting for?

Want the rest of the tips? Head over to our blog here



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand