Best Interview-Scheduling Tips + Templates

Maryann Superlano
Published in
8 min readSep 29, 2021

A good interview is a prime indicator of the eligibility of a candidate, and it all depends on the details.

Regardless of whether you’re aiming for an online or in-person chit-chat, you might find yourself going back and forth trying to book a meeting. It is often inefficient if you try to cram multiple meetings into one day. Are you tired of email chains that drag on and on? Avoid being stuck in an endless email chain with a candidate, and save yourself much time by following these simple interview-scheduling tips.

Trying to pick an interview time that works for both of you may be prolonged by the late response. For instance, it could take up to 24 hours for the candidate to reply, only to find out that the time and date don’t work.

On top of that, the market has shifted to the digital sphere almost completely, so you need fresh and innovative ways to recruit talents. Keep reading and forget about these obstacles.

What Should You Consider When Scheduling an Interview?

It could seem like you sometimes need a crystal ball or an ouija board to guess the right time and date and set up a screening. No worries, the truth is you just have to focus on these essential factors:

  • The time of the day,
  • Day of the week,
  • Time of the year,
  • Your own schedule,
  • Style and dynamic of the meeting,
  • The distance and traffic if you have invited the candidate into the office.

So, maybe all these aspects now don’t seem like you’re in for a simple way to organize a meeting. However, this is how it works:

  • Avoid scheduling screenings on Friday, especially in the afternoon. Firstly, recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates could be less focused on the conversation, which can give everyone inaccurate insights. Also, your recollection of the candidates’ answers could get a bit unclear by the time you reach your office again on Monday.
  • That being said — Monday mornings are also questionable. Do you feel up for the challenge? Well, if yes, you might be the only one. Not everyone is quite warmed up to change a career lane early in the week.
  • Don’t expect productivity around the holiday seasons. Although nearly everyone will be more than happy to chat and review their career choices, their minds might actually wander off. Once again — you could get caught up sending some inaccurate feedback due to the circumstances.
  • Consult your own calendar and workload before inviting a talent for an extensive talk. Surely, a recruiter or a hiring manager would mark a chit-chat with a skilled professional as a top priority. However, you’ll need to make sure that the timing is right for everyone.
  • Consider the duration of the interview and whether someone else from your company will be joining.
  • Lastly, mind the location. If a talent needs to travel to meet up with your crew, take their schedule and efforts into account.

Even though all of this seems quite straightforward, the constant battle for talent and the efforts to grasp how to hire developers can cloud your mind. Need a reminder? Revisit this list before sending a request email to a prospective hire.

How Many Interviews Are Too Many?

Recruiters tend to look for candidates in various places. They rely on social media recruiting, groups and channels, job boards, internal and external recommendations, and referral programs — and much more. Now, the ideal scenario would entail a large pool of applicants. Still, even in that case, cramming multiple meetings into one day is a proven recipe for a disaster. When it comes to on-site appointments, two per day can be more than enough. If you conduct the interviews remotely, you could add another talk to your timetable.

But before you choose to take anyone’s advice on the daily amount of candidates’ knowledge you can absorb and assess, mind your own needs and pace.

Basic Tips for Scheduling Interviews: Two Key Ways to Save Time & Ease the Whole Deal

There are two ways to avoid situations where you would find yourself wasting time on appointment scheduling. The first one is using online software to help you keep an organized calendar. Instead of jamming your agenda, try using Calendly. It’s an excellent tool that will do all the tedious work for you. Due to its concise overview and functionality, it makes your life easier. It is simple to use, as it has a user-friendly interface and fits all your needs perfectly. Moreover, it allows you to reschedule based on the available time slots quickly. On top of that, you can add more people to the meeting and create group events.

Try it out — you won’t regret it!

Interview-scheduling templates are the second method to prevent double-booking and ensure a quick response rate, even from flaky candidates. Templates help you to book a meeting based on the availability immediately. Using these brief samples ensures you don’t get caught up in back-and-forth emails. Say goodbye to email chains!

Write an Email Correctly & Make Arrangements Easily

Before browsing through the templates, read a few proven tips on what makes a great interview request email. Here are some of the interview scheduling — best practices:

  • The interview request should express your interest in the candidates and inform them of the interview’s date, place, and time. The interview itself can take place in the company’s facilities, or you may opt for an online interview. The choice is yours.
  • When talking about scheduling an interview, it is also up to you to set the tone of the email regarding your business culture. If you want to take things on a lighter note, you will choose to start the emails with Hi and address the candidates by their first name, as opposed to the formal Dear Sir/Madam style.
  • Make sure to include all the necessary information to set up the interview or any other relevant information about the interviewing process. For example, it is nice to inform candidates about the stages in the hiring process or let them know approximately how long the interview would last.

More Proven Interview-Scheduling Tips to Follow

Some other things to consider when composing an interview request email are:

  • Identify yourself right away. The candidates may have applied for different postings, so make sure to include your company’s name in the opening paragraph.
  • Be specific when it comes to the mode and specify the location and type of the interview.
  • Include details regarding some specifics you are especially interested in and specify the instructions about what the candidate should bring to the interview if needed.
  • Demonstrate to your candidates that you value their time by giving them several time slots to choose from.

Encourage the top talents to show up to the interview by including all of the right information. A detailed interview request will make them respond. Let them know their input is appreciated. Taking their time into consideration and showing that you sincerely want to learn more about them will ensure the top candidates in your search respond to your request.

Take a Look at Our Interview-Scheduling Tips and Templates

Template 1:

[Candidate full name],

Thank you for submitting your application to [Company name]. We were impressed by your resume, and we are interested in inviting you to our office for an interview. We have scheduled an interview appointment for you on [Event date and time] at our office.

If you need to reschedule for a different time and/or date, please contact us at [Employee phone or email].

In addition, please bring a copy of your resume and your [driver’s license, references, etc.] to the interview.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to meeting with you.

[Employee name] [Job title]

Template 2:

Dear Mr./Ms. [Applicant’s last name],

Thank you for applying for the [Job position] at [Company name].

After reviewing your application, we would like to invite you to an interview [at our office/via telephone] on [date].

Please let us know in your response which of the following times would suit your schedule:

10:30 am

11:00 am

2:00 pm

We look forward to a meeting with you.


[Employee name] [Job title] [Company name]

Template 3:

Dear [First name],

Thank you for applying to [Company name]. We are delighted to inform you that we would like to arrange an interview for the [Position title].

Interviews are currently being scheduled for the week of [date]. Please contact [Name] at [Phone number] to discuss your availability.

Thanks again,

[First name] [Job position]

Template 4:

Hi [Applicant’s first name],

Thank you for

Get templates 4 and 5 on our blog here!

A Few Points to Keep in Mind Before Using these Interview-Scheduling Templates

Booking a screening could hardly go wrong if you adjust your tone and include all relevant info. However, if your recruitment strategy isn’t bulletproof, you can still remain left on read. Before urging a prospective hire into the interviewing process, be sure to inspect your company with its values, culture, and benefits from within. When doing so, be objective and open to retouch and brush up on a few aspects that are in need of improvement.

Adjust to Different Interview Needs

Keeping in mind that your candidates may differ in many aspects can provide a stable interview structure. If you are recruiting an on-working occupant, you will need to adjust the time accordingly. For instance, if you are interviewing a commuter, you can switch to the online interview to save time and cut the waiting process. In addition, flexibility and willingness to adjust according to candidates’ needs grant an enhanced candidate experience and encourage long-term bonds.

Use Tools to Keep People Coordinated

There is no doubt — technology is changing the staffing industry. Using online software like Calendly can be of great help when it comes to keeping everything organized. This free online tool syncs your schedule, making your business activities run uninterruptedly. You can rely on Calendly to make your life easier and calendar tight.

Set Interview Goals and Deadlines

Let them know what to expect from the interview. Include all the relevant information regarding the approximate length of the interview or whether they need to bring a copy of the resume or any other additional information with them.

Tighten Internal Feedback Loops

Apart from the initial screening, take extra time to give your applicants evaluation feedback. Consider motivation, relevant work experience, suitable education, impressive international experience, and language skills. Particularly, concentrate on their strengths. Nonetheless, don’t forget to include in your report what they should work on in the future. You may also include a structured improvement model. Giving them an opportunity to progress can result in working toward a hire date.

Learn How to Schedule Interviews & Save Some Time

First impressions often stick with us for a very long time. The same goes for prospective hires and their initial opinions of a company. Aside from the company’s website and social pages, job descriptions, and recruiters’ knowledge, interviews mean a lot. Structured hiring processes lower the odds of top talent declining a job offer.

Nevertheless, before they enter the process, ensure that the candidates get the right nudge. Be polite, flexible, and transparent when booking meetings. Your days will be more productive, and your recruiting efforts will yield better results once you start following these simple tips for scheduling interviews.



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand