Building Recrooit: January 2022 recap

Nevena Sofranic
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2022

I haven’t shared any updates on how Recrooit is doing, so I’m going to try to put more effort into monthly updates this year.

A quick shout out to Arvid for the encouragement to post more about what we’re doing. If you’re thinking about building your first business, I truly recommend reading Zero to sold. You’ll avoid making some of the mistakes we all made in the beginning.

Let’s kick things off with the highlights for our January 2022 update.

  • 🚀 Session-less referrals. As requested by our users, this will allow them to submit a referral before they register as a Recrooiter.
  • 🚀 30-day free trial for Company users. Initially, free trial on Basic plan was supposed to be 15 days, but our users told us that they need more time to make a decision to commit. It was a quick fix, and I love those ‘cause people really like being heard, especially if their suggestions are applied expeditiously.
  • 🚀 Recrooiter chat. Companies and Recrooiters can finally chat on Recrooit via the profiles of manually added candidates.
  • 💵 MRR: $1,461
  • 👩 4.5k visitors (+192%)
  • 👨‍💻👩‍💻 2,012 Recrooiters

The first noticeable thing is that we had a huge jump in traffic thanks to social media — LinkedIn did the trick. The difference was I posted more frequently on my personal profile, but also companies shared they’re hiring via Recrooit.

We’ve also learned:

  • Companies that share job posts on social media have more referrals.
  • Job posts with salary ranges have more referrals.

🦸‍♂️ Hero of the month: SAAS Life Milosh highlights an important aspect of entrepreneurship, mental health and wellbeing of founders. We all go through ups and downs, and the compassion from his YT channel might speak to you as it did to me. Check out the jobs he picked for his job board.

Session-less referrals

Session-less referrals allow users to submit a referral without registering as a Recrooiter. Monetary incentive is not the only motivation for people to refer their peers, so it made sense to allow them to help their network out. It will make a referral process easier, and as a result, it should bring in more referrals.

To make the most of Recrooit, however, I’d still recommend everyone to Sign up.

Coming up in February

  • 👉 I’m gonna get serious about Twitter. I mainly used it to connect with some cool people, but the potential of tweeting regularly is all too obvious.
  • 👉 Job board embed. WHAT?! YES. 🔥 You won’t have to link to each of your referral links from now on, but you can use the feature to make your own job board.
  • 👉 Bounty update. This is a big one. We know companies were reluctant to have their bounty funds reserved on escrow before actually making a hire, so we’re working on a solution. Almost there 🤞

Stay tuned for more updates.

