Recruitment 3.0: Unlock the Secrets of Hiring Top Talents

The next stage in recruitment is here and adapting to it will be necessary for success.

Maryann Superlano
9 min readOct 6, 2021


In a way, recruiters hold the key to a company’s success. It is (partially) up to them whether the long-term objectives will be met. And it’s their mission to bring the best people and ensure painless growth. And now, there are new ways to unlock the secrets of efficient hiring. Introducing: recruitment 3.0.

What’s the simple meaning behind this term, and what is the formula for implementing this practice correctly? Let’s take a sneak peek and explore the future of recruiting!

What Is Recruitment 3.0?

The simplest definition of recruitment 3.0 is that it represents the inevitable evolution of hiring. As technology transforms the staffing industry and new principles emerge, the whole talent market needs to shift. And each recruiter must grasp the brand-new practices, methods, and tricks in order to source and entice prospective employees.

What does recruitment 3.0 do? First of all, it focuses on enhancing the quality of hires while shortening the time to hire and cost per hire ratio. Sounds neat, right? Its prime aims include increased transparency, improved communication, and more candidate engagement.

So, to sum it up — this innovative take on recruiting will enable both sides to have more fluent and natural communication. Moreover, sourcers will be connecting with active job seekers and passive talent throughout any stage of their careers. These tactics are, in fact, a perfect blend of employer branding strategies and inbound recruiting.

And what can recruiters expect in the near future? Well, let’s say that it’s (still) somewhat debatable. But here’s a favored and plausible scenario: with all the perks technology is offering, (even more) customized searches will be possible — and very much used!

What Are the Basic Principles of Recruitment 3.0?

Back in the old days, employers used to rely on job boards — a lot. And there was a time when recruiters were somewhat passive. They didn’t go the extra mile. Their tasks were mainly about screening the applicants’ resumes and selecting those who are up for the next round. Kind of limiting, isn’t it?

Now, we know that the entire web (and the real world) is packed with opportunities to approach a candidate and offer them a job. So, that is actually the number one principle of recruitment 3.0 — anyone can be a prospective hire. Unfortunately, that leads us two the second principle — not all of them will be willing to enter the hiring process. This is why there are other core missions related to this practice. You can overcome the lack of qualified job seekers by putting your brand on their map. Strong employer brand, candidates’ engagement, and building communities around a company are the other key philosophies you will have to embrace.

Are you ready?

Basic Skills a Recruiter 3.0 Must-Have

Before we move on to the steps you should follow (and things you will need to consider), let’s cover the basics. There are more than a few fields to master in order to implement this brand-new practice accurately. Recruiters must be more than aware of the significance of these skills:

  • PR & messaging,
  • Presentation and communication skills,
  • Marketing and sales,
  • Market segmentation and approaching to target groups,
  • Candidate relationship management and building authentic long-term bonds.

By mastering these domains and enhancing traditional recruitment strategies, your company can become interesting to passive candidates. Grab their attention by being fully equipped and knowledgeable enough to compete with other employers.

Get Ready to Recruit, Because… Everyone Is a Potential Candidate!

As we proudly proclaimed two paragraphs ago — the first postulate of the new recruiting suggests that everyone is a potential hire! Your candidates might not be applying to the job opening you just posted. The truth is, they might even have missed it. So, what do you do? You can expand the meaning of the term. Turn everyone into a candidate. What’s the worst that could happen? You could be left on read, or they could decline the proposition politely.

Still, some of them will direct their attention toward your company and their role in it. Why? Because you have done your homework. The proposal you sent is personalized, captivating, concise, and, most importantly — genuine.

Not Everyone Is Actively Looking for a New Job, but…

There is no such thing as a tactic to entice every single talent and persuade them into taking the first step in the interview process. Nevertheless, when a recruiter embraces the active approach, gets the hang of the previously mentioned skills, and composes irresistible messages, chances of attracting the ideal candidate are substantially higher. Even if the timing is wrong — they will be open for discussion the next time around. Or, maybe, they could even refer a former colleague or a friend with a similar set of skills.

Anyhow, even if they’re not looking — everyone is still a candidate. So forget about waiting for the CVs to invade your inbox. Go for them.

How to Hit the Jackpot: Start by Knowing Who Your Ideal Hire Is

To find the perfect candidate, a recruiter must know where to look. But more importantly, they must know who to look for. So what is it that makes someone just right for the team?

Traits that make someone a perfect match with an organization can vary. They depend on the company’s needs and priorities. In rough, the ultimate hire will possess both technical skills and knowledge and soft skills necessary to fit into the team. Here’s a catch — a possible lack of experience with a specific tool or technology should never be a deal-breaker. Keep in mind that the right mindset and an I can do it attitude matter a lot more. Surely, there will always be a few tech must-haves your future employee simply has to have mastered. But still, teach a recruiter to go for a perspective and potential — rather than a polished resume and XY years of experience strictly.

Focus on Building a Strong Employer Brand

Let’s define a successful brand as a hunch. It’s the impression that immediately pops in a person’s head when they see your firm’s posts. How do you want them to perceive your business? Know your goals and work toward them.

But first, know that the brand is built from the inside. Promote it internally and make your employees feel positive about their workplace. Align your core values, mission and vision, and perks of joining you. Wrap them all up nicely and ensure that the right crowd will spot you. And remember — recruiting and employer brand always go hand in hand. Neither can be bland and lack emotions. So upgrade your methods and see how everything works out.

Build an Expert Community around Your Brand

Social media is an excellent way to connect with talents, see what kind of content they like, share, and promote. Regardless of the channel you will use — people will talk, and there will always be engagement. However, simply posting something and hoping for the best is now insufficient. And more importantly — no content will immediately fill your open positions. See these online spaces as opportunities to network and socialize. Company-wide. Present your business to the masses and give them time to navigate through your postings. Guide them through this journey by making an effort to keep it all clear, neat, enticing, and updated. But don’t forget — they will form their attitudes by themselves. Best case scenario — you’ll hire them. Another desired outcome — they’ll be your brand ambassadors. Tell a story and let people hear it out. Once they do, encourage them to participate, either by commenting, engaging in discussions, or reposting your stuff.

Use Mobile Recruiting to Unlock the Full Potential

The first thing is first — what does Mobile Recruiting refer to? It involves the process of discovering both active and passive candidates by using mobile career pages, job ads, and various recruitment applications. Of course, there are countless perks of going mobile. First of all — recruiters won’t miss a beep. They will always be a click away from the tech talents. Which brings us to the next favorite reason to recruit this way — anyone can do it remotely. The main gizmo is nothing but a charged smartphone and relatively fast WiFi.

And if there’s a shadow of doubt in your mind about this practice — just know that there were more than 1 billion mobile job searches per month in 2020.

Get Ready for Some Mind-Blowing Benefits: Why Is Recruitment 3.0 Good?

How does recruitment 3.0 help? Firstly, you will focus on accessing the most qualified tech experts while keeping in mind that they might not be immediately up for the change. But with a mixture of trendy recruiting expertise, marketing skills, and strong branding, your odds are about to shoot up.

Need more convincing? Incoming stats alert:

  • 88% of recruiters would rather reach out and communicate with well-informed candidates — do your homework and let them know about your brand and values,
  • Almost 50% of companies still use an HR software that’s at least seven years old — explore your options and look for a more modern solution,
  • 69% would reject a job offer due to a poor employer brand — you know what to do, right?

More alarmingly, nearly every job seeker would rely on a career page rather than on what they’ve been told by a recruiter. So, (re)building mutual trust is imperative!

There are multiple gaps to fill and several outdated approaches that need to go. Step up the game by building up your brand and acquiring new sourcing skills. In addition, focus on honesty and transparency. That’s where your success comes from.

More Brilliant (and Ridiculously Easy) Recruiting Techniques to Explore

Recruiting never seems easy. Some positions are commonly labeled as “hard-to-fill.” However, even the simpler ones can give recruiters headaches. Where do these challenges come from? Regardless of the economy or the current state of affairs, top-ranked professionals rarely actively seek a new career opportunity. Once again, the stats are here to testify on how intensely competitive the market is. According to the numbers, 70% of the global workforce are passive talents. Hence, the best candidates are already employed. Still, cracking the code on how to hire developers or other tech specialists is doable!

Here’s how:

  • Revisit and brush up your recruitment efforts and tactics,
  • Consider hiring remote developers from other regions to gain a bigger pool of prospective hires and be more flexible,
  • Be realistic and precise on what you seek in a future employee and focus on the skills, traits, and qualities that truly matter for your firm,
  • Understand the market, know the competition, spot the gaps, and learn what your candidate persona strives for — and stay aligned with these insights,
  • Ask both candidates and employees for feedback on your organization.

These are some of the proven ways to reach your targets. But, wait — there’s much more! So, what are good recruiting techniques?

Firstly, there is a matter of promoting diversity and inclusion. More heterogeneous working environments are more appealing and more productive! By hiring unbiasedly, your recruitment prospects will enhance, candidate experience will improve, and overall employee satisfaction will rise.

Then, exploring new sets of benefits for employees will unquestionably boost their satisfaction and motivation. Simultaneously, the good word will travel. Your enhanced strategies to keep the inspiration up will reach prospective hires.

Finally, we get to the best way to hire tech talents. It’s simple, affordable, and undoubtedly beneficial. It involves a referral program. Whether you choose to stick with internal recommendations or go globally and try out an affiliate recruitment software, the results will follow. Referrals save money, but they also bring quality, engagement and improve retention rates.

Try These Proven Strategies Now & Stay Ahead of the Game

Does recruitment 3.0 sound like something you’re willing to try out? There’s no doubt about it — some traditional recruiting practices can still drive some results. However, many of them need a slight refinement. Revise your old ways and sharpen them by adopting new sets of skills. Rely on technology to shorten some processes and ease everyone’s lives. Recruiters and candidates will love the fresh stuff.

Ready to innovate now? Hire the best people effortlessly.

More on Recruitment 3.0 at



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand