Ultimate tips for becoming an employer of choice

Make yourself stand out in a competitive hiring market by using these tactics

Maryann Superlano
8 min readDec 7, 2021


It’s been known that the tech talent market leaves little room for maneuver. Moreover, gaps keep on popping up between candidates’ expectations, employers’ requirements, recruiters’ efforts, and actual customers’ needs. Being singled out in a bustling universe of enticing, hiring, and retaining top hires is more than a challenge. So, how can one become an employer of choice?

Luckily, there are ways to be picked as a tech professionals’ favorite company. But firstly, there are quite a few questions to answer. So, how do you create an employer brand strategy? How to design a better hiring process? Which metrics should you follow?

Well, let’s cover one topic at a time. Start with the basics. Scroll down & let’s get going.

What Makes You an Employer of Choice?

People have unique preferences and objectives. Since each candidate has a different perspective on what constitutes the ideal working environment and different plans to boost their careers, how will you know what to focus on? What makes a business an employer of choice?

Cracking the code on how to hire developers and other tech experts starts by exploring some common denominators that can qualify you as a supreme employer. Some of the characteristics of a prosperous firm include effective leadership, competitive salary, engaged employees, meaningful projects, compelling technologies, and strong company culture.

Why Is a Successful Employer of Choice Strategic Plan Essential?

Creating a successful tactic that will take your firm straight to the top is beneficial for countless reasons. However, the main benefits you will immediately spot include:

  • Lower turnover rates and better employee retention,
  • Increased motivation, productivity, and engagement in the workplace,
  • Better employee experience and brand loyalty,
  • More competitive advantages over other businesses,
  • Strengthened culture and more recognition among prospective candidates,
  • Eased recruiting efforts and improved hiring metrics.

As a result, you will perk up every single aspect of your business. Some of the hiring and operational costs will unquestionably drop. On the other hand, increased motivation and productivity can drive more income. Overall, the entire organization will feel more dynamic, energetic, and recognizable among the target audience.

How to Develop the Employer of Choice Strategy?

Building a successful tactic that will place you precisely where you aim to be should start by defining your objectives. You will need to read up on some internal and external factors. Before taking the necessary steps, a company must be sure regarding where they stand. Also, they must research the competition. Do you feel up for these challenges?

Once you grasp your potentials, how you’re being perceived, and how your competitors are rated, you will have to perk up the benefits. Focus on the employees that are already by your side. Take some time to communicate and understand their needs.

Finally, start thinking about some employer of choice metrics. While making these efforts, it’s paramount that you assess their effectiveness. Some of the crucial branding and recruiting metrics to keep an eye on include candidate quality, source of hire, cost per hire, employee experience and retention, and more.

Now, let’s take it step-by-step. Starting by learning how to find out who your ideal job candidate is.

Step One: Who Is Your Ideal Employee?

Are you familiar with the term candidate persona? In short, it stands for a depiction of someone you’d love to hire immediately. This person possesses each quality, skill, and trait to fit into your team straight away and drive the best results in no time. Now, once you figure out who to recruit, all that’s left to do is come up with the right approach. At least for now.

How will you define the chosen one? Short answer: prioritize. Seek specific tech skills you’ll truly need shortly. Other than that, it’s always better to focus on attitude and ambition. Knowledge is obtainable, especially when you’re willing to provide the right opportunities.

In addition, don’t neglect the significance of personality traits and soft skills. Bring into the team someone who won’t disrupt the healthy environment and good communication you’ve established.

Pro tip: the best odds of finding top hires are through referral programs.

What Does Your Ideal Employee Want?

We got to phase two. You’ve spotted the ideal candidate on LinkedIn, composed a recruiting message that didn’t suck, and got a positive response. Now what? Aside from scheduling an interview ASAP, you must come prepared. What are the goals and expectations of your candidate persona?

Explore the sets of benefits you should offer to prospective talents. Aside from a competitive salary, there are other perks that could spice up the deal:

  • Learning opportunities and certifications,
  • Traveling to attend conferences,
  • Remote work and flexibility,
  • Paid time off,
  • Health insurance,
  • Free pass for sports and fitness.

Explore your options and see how it goes.

Step Two: What Is Your Competition Offering?

Finding out about your competition’s agenda could even sound fun. You can turn into a master of disguise and monitor the steps they’re following. Or, you can use one of the less Bourne identity-like ideas:

  • Utilize opportunities to mingle and network with managers and employees,
  • Have a closer look at your competitor’s career pages,
  • Ask your employees and candidates directly about what they expect (and ask for feedback).

Your potential hires are keeping an eye on your website and career pages. But they’re also researching other similar companies. So if you intend to be an employer of choice, stay ahead of the game. Find out what’s out there and work your way toward gaining a competitive advantage.

What Can You Offer to Employees?

Keeping employee engagement up is a tricky business. You must stay dynamic and have challenging tasks that will increase their productivity and will to learn daily. Still, that’s a slippery slope, and overly demanding environments lead to workplace burnout. So, you must keep it balanced.

Aside from being interested in innovations and promoting continuous improvement, you must focus on these points:

  • Giving precise inputs and having clear requirements,
  • Being transparent and communicating correctly,
  • Promoting employees’ professional development,
  • Keeping the team passionate about the company’s vision,
  • Respecting each individuals’ needs and free time.

That way, you will keep your team inspired day after day. Interesting work and thought-provoking duties could be classified as a sort of a benefit, don’t you agree?

Step Three: How Do You Show Appreciation to Employees?

Lastly, let’s highlight the importance of showing appreciation to employees once again. There are numerous ways to acknowledge someone’s good work. You can come up with a bonus structure, give out financial and non-financial rewards, offer public recognition, promote a team member, assign them new responsibilities that will help them grow, and more.

However, celebrating little wins isn’t the only time you should provide some sort of prize or validation. Performance-based compensations are more than welcome but don’t forget about the small details that can make a huge difference. For instance — surprise an employee for their birthday, or organize a get-together where everyone can participate, have a chat with each other, and relax.

More Proven Tips to Boost Your Employer of Choice Strategy

When it comes to positioning high in the tight talent market and ever-growing recruiting industry, it’s vital to take the time for your candidates — and employees. Start by showing them that you value their opinion and input. Try to keep your staff involved in the decision-making processes whenever possible and reward them for their efforts and hard work. Help your prospective hires and current workforce express their needs. By doing so, you will be able to grow together. Here are a few crucial points you need to pay attention to:

  • Building and optimizing career pages;
  • Reviewing all resumes thoroughly and sending detailed feedback in a timely manner;
  • Planning new initiatives;
  • Extending job offers and lists of benefits;
  • Recognizing hiring needs and writing clear and precise job requirements;
  • Conveying a clear message to attract newcomers.

By focusing on these key points, you will nail your branding strategy and enhance your recruitment process.

How Can an Employer Improve Reputation and Prospects in the World of Recruiting

Nowadays, technology is changing the staffing industry rapidly. Nonetheless, don’t forget that some good ol’ manners from the predigital era still echo loud. The key is to listen more actively. What does it mean? You should really listen — as getting to know your candidates brings tons of new opportunities.

On top of that, communicate often. Be reachable and eager to hear your candidates’ opinions. Take their suggestions into consideration, and if possible, make adjustments on the spot. Also, keep things simple. There is no need to complicate by imposing strict rules or insisting on some rigid etiquette. Having a simple form of communication is an excellent method to get closer to your applicants and encourage them to speak freely.

Last but not least — ask for feedback!

Soak in the suggestions from your targeted crowd and improve your hiring strategies.

Encourage your candidates to give you feedback on your performance. And it goes both ways — give them notes on their job interview or a test. Being punctual, objective, and concise about the feedback truly makes the difference. Engage with candidates in open communication about their opinion of the application process and ask them to rate their experience.

The Importance of Candidate Experience: Let’s Talk about Statistics

Facts, stats, and figures are recruiters’ most reliable allies. Even when they feel a little off or discouraging, knowing them is paramount to proceed and change what needs to be changed. Here are a few candidate experience infographics:

  • Only 25% of all job candidates rated their candidate experience as great
  • 63% of candidates are dissatisfied with communication with employers after applying for a job,
  • 69% of candidates with negative candidate experience won’t apply again.

Besides, the same percentage would share their negative experience with family and friends. Now, to concentrate on the bright side — more than 80% would share a positive experience. Having that in mind, it becomes obvious that the crucial thing should be making the overall application process a pleasant journey.

Don’t Forget to Recognize and Reward Get Things Done Attitude

We should never underestimate the power of positive employee and candidate experience. Finding, attracting, and retaining top talents is easier when you make great impressions and drive positive experiences. If the employer gets it right, the results can be truly astounding.

Still, even when you source the best candidate for the job, you may struggle to understand them fully. Recruiters must study candidates more closely. And a company must aim to set up an interview process correctly. Aside from the tech skills and background, you should learn of their habits, preferences, and motivations. That way, you will win their trust and ensure nothing gets lost in translation. Moreover, remember that the right mindset and a go-getting attitude can mean more than extensive knowledge of a certain technology.

If you communicate your aims and specifics correctly, other applicants are more likely to jump on board. Bear in mind that word of mouth is still vital. Good recruiting practices and reputation speak volumes.

Follow These Tips and Become an Employer of Choice

Is your mindset on winning big time? Becoming an employer of choice may not be achievable overnight. And it could get a bit tiring to invent and reinvent your brand, question your recruiting strategies, and switch your past methods for new ones. Still, once you become comfortable with alterations and constant improvements, the outcomes will be more than gratifying.

Build up your brand, explore your options, and get all the help you need to hire the best people.

Get more recruitment insight at https://blog.recrooit.com/



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand