Who’s coding that? Why diversity in tech matters

Maryann Superlano
Published in
4 min readAug 10, 2021


The people that create and maintain technology have a deep impact on everyone’s life, so it makes sense to expect more diversity in the industry.

The issue of diversity in technology has been a long one, what started as just a commentary on the industry has turned into a major problem to be solved. Because as technology becomes more and more important in everyday life the need for a more diverse background increases, in order to include all people in the creation of our future tech.

Technology is present in so many aspects of modern life that we are beginning to see the results of lack of diversity at higher speeds, and consequences than before. This should be enough reason to strive for a more diverse tech workforce that can correct these mistakes before more damage is done.

Why does diversity in tech matter to everyone?

Diversity in tech is not only an issue favorable to minorities and equality, it’s about innovation with all the potential available to us. Having more talented people, from all backgrounds, will help create better tech, simple as that. It also addresses the problems that current tech workplaces don’t foresee because of their perspective.

Bottom line is, it helps create better tech products and services, which generates benefits to everyone, literary everyone!

Where are we now in terms of diversity in tech?

Despite the push from both society and increasing demands for tech talent, there has been little change. Racial and gender diversity are still low in tech environments, with less than 20% of employees belonging to a minority or other diverse groups in major tech companies. Even after making promises to do better, we are still lagging behind.

One of the major problems in achieving diversity in tech is the recruitment process, why? Most tech hiring is done through networking and most of our networks tend to look the same. If, for example, 70% of tech workers in the US are white and they are the ones recommending talent, that candidate is usually going to be white.

It’s why companies need to diversify their recruitment efforts in other to get ahead of the limitations of their own networks. The more tech talent searches amplify to different crowds the easier it will be to reach a more equal workforce.

If you want to help us get a better understanding of today’s tech workforce please gift us 5 minutes of your time for a quick survey https://6w7dn73eaqa.typeform.com/to/KhNcWN0T

We will share any and all insights that we find from it. Thanks!

The benefits of a more diverse tech workforce

Well, the first one is I wouldn’t be writing articles like this in 2021! To be honest there are so many benefits it would be hard to name them all so let’s go with the most evident.

A way to face the talent gap

There are so many tech roles facing enormous shortage challenges, you would think tech companies would want to open the door to more talent. Embracing diversity means getting more people through the door, more positions being filled and a positive solution to the tech talent gap that keeps widening each year.

More inclusive solutions

Being able to address an issue no one else had is one of the biggest gold mines any company can stumble upon, and a more diverse workforce could get you there faster. If your team all look the same and have similar life experiences, they lack some of the insights that could help you approach a new problem with innovations. Different perspectives bring forth more potential.

Prevent issues with your tech

As mentioned before a more inclusive tech workforce would foresee issues with products or services before they reach the public. This saves companies the embarrassment of backtracking and creates a more profitable end result.

Increase creative output and productivity

Teams with a greater spectrum of talent have an advantage of perspective over other teams, more diverse talent can lead to quicker problem solving according to studies, and that leads to an increase in productivity over time. Why not give your team the best shot at success by including people from all backgrounds.

How do we get to a more diverse tech workforce?

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, or in recruitment teems, source all your employees from one group. There are simple and effective ways to make tech places more diverse and inclusive:

  1. Study where you are now, so you can set a goal to where you want to be.
  2. Make sure your brand is and projects an inclusive environment.
  3. Diversify your referral networks to include more groups.
  4. Bring diversity into management and higher positions.
  5. Listen to your current employees on their diversity goals.

Diversity starts with us!



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand