Your ultimate guide: The secret to hiring a remote employee

Maryann Superlano
Published in
8 min readDec 15, 2021

Get the talent you need from anywhere in the world with the right guidance and Recrooit!

Recruiting and hiring a remote employee can be a bit of a challenge. First, you need to come up with a well-written and perfectly clear job description. Then, you will have to wrap your mind around the distribution and promotion of this vacancy. Ultimately, since top talents rarely seek new career opportunities, you’ll have to rely on the good ol’ recruitment methods, often labeled as headhunting (or, in reality — texting & praying; or doing it right, depending on who recruits for you).

So, in this article, we’ll try to name a few simple ways to recruit, hire + retain remote employees more effectively. Sounds good? Let’s go!

The basic question: Should I hire a remote employee?

Here’s the key fact to learn & hire by: working from home or any other non-office location is the norm now. Although the circumstances that have led to it were all wrong, this type of employment is very much liked by (nearly all) workers worldwide. And things will stay that way. In fact, according to Upwork and its extensive research, we can expect to have an 87% increase in jobs hiring remote workers now. In the US alone, 22% will be working remotely full-time by the year 2025. So, hiring a remote employee in another state will certainly remain a legit and effective choice.

Now, what’s in it for the employer? Well, first of all — there is an immense talent pool at your disposal. If you’re looking to hire tech professionals, this benefit alone will suffice. Because — cracking the code on how to hire developers and other skilled techies has never been more tricky! Also, improved employee experience + candidate experience are bound to follow. How so? Basically, every developer, digital nomad, and any other expert who relies on their computer and WiFi to make magic happen will be pleased to hear about this level of flexibility. Ultimately, the good word and positive experiences will ease your recruitment process and boost retention rates. And the last advantage all employers will love — you will cut quite a few costs!

Pros & cons of working remotely: Why do employees love it?

So, let’s start with the good stuff. What are 3 advantages of remote working? From every employees’ perspective, the key perks of working outside of the traditional office include less time stuck in traffic, which certainly leads to a more productive (or at least fulfilled day). Translated into numbers, those who can work from home save around 40 minutes each day, on average. In addition, these employees feel more motivated but also trusted. And these two silver linings grant them to be more satisfied and engaged. And finally, it is known that those who work remotely tend to care more about their health, the food they eat, and overall wellness.

What are the drawbacks for the employee in remote working?

Although working remotely is a dream come true for many, there are a few downsides to it. The first thing that comes to mind is isolation. Hiring a remote employee will grant some awesome perks, but it comes with a hint of loneliness. In addition, being physically away from teammates can cause some gaps in communication and lead to misunderstandings. Another known disadvantage is that countless professionals erase a thin line between working hours and “me time.” They stay longer than they should behind their keyboards and lose track of time. So, even though remote jobs grant a substantial level of balance between work and play, it can work in the other direction too. But despite these possible drawbacks, more than 20% are in favor of working remotely full-time, while 68% are inclined toward occasional work from home.

The ultimate challenge: How do I hire and train remote employees?

So, we’re getting closer to our bottom line. The tips for running a successful hiring process and setting up each step right must start from the basic ground. Hence — be careful from the first step, which is composing a clear, precise, and engaging job description. Then, all that’s left to do is rely on marketing, recruitment, and/or employee referrals. Simple, huh? It truly is; just follow our lead!

Once you welcome a new team member, be sure to onboard them. Leverage the technology to do the good work, and be sure to respect their time while training them. Start small and offer one valuable piece of information at a time + allow them to get truly engaged, ask questions, and follow the pace that actually works for them.

Pay close attention to job descriptions and how you promote these postings

Writing a good and concise job description doesn’t sound like much trouble. But here’s the ugly truth: many get it all wrong. Each JD must include a precise job title, a brief yet captivating intro, a list of key roles and responsibilities, basic requirements, a nice-to-have section, and then perks, benefits + a salary range. And if you’re hiring a remote employee — well, make it clear from the very first line! In fact, shout it from the rooftops! Be proud of being flexible & be fully transparent (96% of job seekers will love it).

So, here’s the breakdown: be completely sure about your precise needs before you start to type the requirements. The key is to focus on your internal necessities and actual state.

Build up your brand & online presence

People should feel comfortable (and enticed) enough to agree on working at a company with no physical headquarters and collaborate with mates they may never see live. When we say it this way, it feels more like a tale by Ray Bradbury than recruiting advice. But — this is the way we like it (no sarcasm, TBH). And so — you must solidify your brand and reputation in order to gain the candidates’ trust and undivided attention.

  • Put your key values and mission first and make it visible,
  • Nurture true connectivity even when working remotely,
  • Encourage knowledge sharing and be vocal about it,
  • Embrace all the gizmos that will keep your team in the loop and all processes smooth and painless,
  • Make sure your employees are happy and content.

It’s still about people. It always is. So, maybe you won’t have an Insta story bragging about the joy darts have brought to your office. But you will have something good going on and something of substance to advertise, right? That’s what being an employer of choice is about: a healthy environment, respect, and overall satisfaction.

Set up smooth interviews and simplify processes

Setting up an interview process that candidates don’t downright loath is the ultimate challenge. The simplest tip is: keep it as straightforward and smooth as possible. But how? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Avoid unnecessary steps and assessments; don’t make candidates jump through multiple hoops because you will waste their time and lose their interest;
  • Don’t take too long to reply and follow up between stages; make sure to provide objective and constructive feedback, and don’t be afraid to ask about their thoughts of your performance;
  • Be honest, transparent, and consistent the whole time; tell the candidate immediately what they’re getting into; don’t delay salary negotiations and be open about your budget;

Also, beware of the cliches and hated patterns. And if you already had a technical screening and a coding challenge — you will agree that another round (of pretty much the same) might be obsolete. While you’re at it — watch out for what you ask at the interview. Some interviewers will be hung up on algorithms. Then, once the candidate actually gets the job — their daily tasks don’t involve any of the stuff they were expected to have a knack for.

Pro tip: Mind the little things that make a difference between successful and poodle conducted remote interviews, like test your equipment, show up on time, and pick up the creative mess we all make (and no one remembers how we managed to make our space so chaotic).

Wrapping this section up: When hiring a remote worker, there is a need to double-check their traits that can be called soft skills. However, this doesn’t mean that you’re looking for a Senior Java Engineer who knows Sprint and has a bubbly personality. But it does mean that they must be punctual, reliable, cooperative, and able to understand and pursue mutual goals. You know: not actually tech, but not in the domain of generic personality tests.

Why referrals give amazing results when hiring a remote employee

Whenever there is a new hiring need to be fulfilled, you can’t help but wonder: will someone apply? If you’re recruiting senior engineers, the answer is probably no. So, you will get on with hunting them down on LinkedIn and trying to win them over with your unsolicited texts. That could actually work, but it takes a bit longer. Plus, hoping to hire the perfect fit right away this way is something of epic fantasy. So, what’s a company to do?

Referrals can do the trick. Who knows talents better than their peers? You can set up a referral program internally, or you can try a recruitment affiliate software, which will bring recommendations from all regions, cities, and companies. Neet, right? Actually, a recommendation from a team member is usually a bullseye when it comes to company culture. However, when there’s a remote job to recruit for involved: the more recruiters and sources you have, the bigger are the odds of finding the perfect candidate. So, combining internal and external referrals is the proven formula for hiring a remote employee.

Bonus tip: Retaining a remote employee

Boosting retention rates is always a thing. What can you do to keep your top talent from leaving? Well, these secret ingredients will secure your success:

  • Start by focusing on a simple and pleasant recruiting process,
  • Offer proper onboarding and keep on providing learning opportunities,
  • Set clear goals and establish a precise work scope,
  • Measure performance, give feedback, and offer rewards,
  • Listen actively and respect your employees’ needs.

Now, if you notice that your turnover rates are rising, you will need to get to the bottom of it. Detect the issues and do your best to fix them on time. To do so, make sure to communicate with employees and help them understand that their opinions matter a lot. Support your employees and let them know that each effort is noticed and appreciated.

Knowing how to hire remote workers is pivotal! (And yet so simple)

The secret to hiring a remote employee is meant to be discovered. If you follow our tested methods and guidelines, you will certainly spot, entice, and hire the best talent. And if you want to step into the world of global professionals who are used to working remotely & familiar with all the best practices: our recruitment affiliate software is your prime choice! Let’s talk!

More recruitment insights and tools at



Maryann Superlano

I help companies create a tone of voice, and give their audiences quality content they can find a use for and connect with the brand