Build… a strong relationship with your Hiring Manager (part 2)

Paul Mouchet
Recruiters of Interest
5 min readDec 4, 2016

I’m back, you already got it this is the second part of the article (before our big sum up video session). So let’s carry on !

4. Define the perfect candidate, but also a big picture of his environnement

Ask your manager about Colleges, Universities, Companies, associations, job-related certifications…he would love to see on a perfect resume!

These questions will help you to imagine exactly what will be the perfect candidate seems but also where to find your candidates ! (and Maybe building a string results in 5–6 unbelievable candiates)

In fact they also will help you to go deeper during the interview, to understand better the environment, to find new keywords and open the discussion on new points like for example personas.

By defining the persona we are talking about commercial strategy to sort people in order to reach them in a specific and dedicated way. For example your manager can tell you most of the candidates :

  • Use to read this kind of book,
  • Chill in this kind of places,
  • Use this kind of media for communication,
  • Are available on this hours ranges
  • Use this kind of platform
  • Attend this kind of event
  • Speak about this current subject (trends)
  • Are reluctant to a specific thing…

… yeah…lot of things so USEFUL for a sourcer AND a recruiter !

5. It’s all about referrals

Seriously dudes ! We have a great empowering program and need to be more effective about this things. Asking the manager if he already know someone in his network is pure lack of time (if yes, believe me, you will not be here in this office talking about this job).

But you can do a lot of things planning how to succeed with your referral empowerment (I think it really deserve an article) :

For example: Abraham, in his last job, used to plan session to learn people how quickly looking for referrals , impressive, we should think about ! @Brams, we are looking forward to hear about during the webinar.

I also have some tips like :

  • Just after the meeting, jump on LinkedIn advanced search , tick the “1st degree connexion”button and create a basic Boolean string with the big requirements. Then copy paste the URL and send it to your hiring manager and some team members. In this way they will be able with no more effort than a simple click to have access to good people for the job in their network !
  • At CA Technologies, they have created a ‘Refer A Friend’ Day. They did it for fun, and placed a graphic on Instagram to promote it. There was no reward attached to it. It was just a fun reminder to employees that today is a great day to refer someone you like for a job with us.

We can also plan some time with an A-employee in the team to ask who are the 2–3 best people he ever work with… talking about A-people …

6. Ask if you Can Shadow a High Performing Incumbent

Another valuable tip is to see if you can gain permission to shadow a high performing role model in the group. Observe the traits that they have, observe the tools they are using, see how they go about the job, and you will find hidden sourcing gems such as search terms/criteria that only the person doing the job would know.

I know…I know… Seems a little bit like : WAOUH time to spend let’s go ! But I think as we are looking for similar job, doing this one time could be efficient for long term recruitment and also for you knowledge.

Knowing the role and being able to speak to a company’s values as well as their products and services are critical steps to becoming more collaborative with your hiring managers.

Really understanding the day-to-day realities of the role and how performance is measured will provide a big advantage when dealing with candidates and gaining credibility with everyone involved in hiring process.

7. Set objectives and process

Ouch, not the most funny part of the process !

But let’s imagine reciprocity. If you set objectives like sending a weekly update of approached candidates, contact at least 20 new candidates per week. The HM should have objectives too (time before giving you a feed-back, time before contacting a warm candidate).

You are not alone in this game and engaging the HM at this moment is great ! Your collaboration will be surely more fruitful. You should both be engaged in the hiring process, if one is not, the other will wait and work for nothing and we all know how frustrating it could be…

You also have to define the process and who will handle the thing if the HM is not available to keep the recruitment rolling.

Try to create something efficient and not too complicated to keep the candidates in the loop. Knowing who will update the candidate during the process is also very important to provide great candidate experience.

8. Set a Follow-Up meeting:

Final tip (if you are not sleeping) !

Set a follow-up meeting so you can recalibrate. This meeting will help you to enlighten the good and the bad from your first period of search-recruitment and adjust the things.

It will be a great moment to speak about your searches, your resultats, your strategy … market your activity and show that even if you don’t have yet the great candidate you are really doing a great, innovative and warriors mindset job !

Take time to discuss the candidates in process and review the 2nd point of the article !

…And here ends my blogging month I hope you enjoyed it, I let you with a gift (Christmastime)

Can’t wait to discuss all these things with you

+Special Bonus document: This great intake form from Stacy Donovan Zapar (you know her I’m very sure, if not, just have a look at her incredible profile) is really great … great insights… great idea… nearly full coverage.




Recruiters of Interest
Recruiters of Interest

Published in Recruiters of Interest

Just 6 recruiters trying to impress/teach/learn from each of them…and make some jokes #AxwayTAlegacy

Paul Mouchet
Paul Mouchet

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