Free Twitter!

Vaclav Vincalek
Recurrent Patterns
Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2022


For the last few weeks, the media landscape has been full of chatter about Elon Musk buying Twitter. The narrative? Depends who you ask. Removing any censorship and turning it into a free speech bastion with an ‘anything goes’ mentality? Some say it’s just about adhering to the First Amendment of the US Constitution. Others contend it’s about destroying all the good which Twitter represents.

Some say it’s about attracting more users. Others predict that millions will leave. Maybe this is just about allowing Mr. Musk to fight the SEC? That’s another narrative.

I’ve written about Twitter in the past. As recently in March, 2022 Could Twitter make it rain with blockchain?. Long before that, I wrote in January, 2018 about Twitter — the should, the could, the would company.

Here is my narrative on the story of Twitter and Mr. Musk today.

Would you spend $44 billion to defend free speech or influence the world?

I remember the last time a well-known business guy bought a newspaper for $250 million as a personal hobby. I am not sure how that has changed things. Perhaps it was mostly for the better, but you tell me.

Back to Twitter. This acquisition is not about freedom or freedom of speech.

This acquisition is about money. Lots of money.



Vaclav Vincalek
Recurrent Patterns

CTO Advisor. Creating Strategic options with Technology. Technology entrepreneur, CTO and technology advisor for startups and fast-growing companies.