A Little Spider Story

How do you react to spiders?

Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2019


May 2016:

I lived in a house once that had a brown recluse spider living in one of the window wells. (Brown recluses are even more poisonous than black widows.) I lived with that spider for eight months until I moved. I refused to kill it. Killing spiders is bad mojo; I don’t care how many females are screaming.

Spiders have a communications network called, ‘The Web.’ It is much more efficient than the internet. You kill one spider and suddenly every spider on the planet knows about it and you are suddenly a murderer in the eyes of every spider from then on. I swear they know! Black widows have actually crawled on me without biting me. I swear they really do know. They can sense your feelings towards them. So I bless every spider I see and I do not kill them or hurt them. I treat them with great respect.

I had a conversation with a spider once. I was sitting in the passenger seat of a pickup truck while waiting for the driver (my co-worker) who had gone out into the forest to relieve himself. Suddenly, a little spider came floating down from the ceiling of the truck’s cab. It was hanging onto a silky thread. Just about a foot in front of my face, the spider stopped its downward descent and turned to look at me. It stopped all the movement of its many legs and said to me, “You’re…

