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Abundance is Giving

We have it all backwards

Published in
4 min readFeb 16, 2019


September 2015:

Everyone wants to know the secret to abundance. There is a plethora of articles, books, videos, courses, workshops, coaches, retreats, meditations, subliminal tapes, hypnotherapy, weekend retreats, energetic therapies, and snake oil remedies. Millions of dollars have been made selling abundance. You can invest an abundance of money into learning how to attract abundance.

But if you are trying to attract abundance you are doing it all backwards. Abundance is not something one attracts. It is something one engages in. It is an active principle, not a passive one. Trying to attract abundance is like only breathing in and never breathing out. You will choke to death before you ever realize abundance.

Abundance can be defined in one word; “giving.”

The problem with all the abundance techniques out there is that they are all centered on, “receiving.” We are told to put ourselves into a state of receivership. We are told that we deserve to receive abundance. We are told that all of our mental perceptions are blocking us from receiving the abundance that is our birthright. We are told that our subconscious conditioning is hijacking our ability to receive. We are instructed to open up to receiving. And all this has some truth to it.

