Source: Pixabay

Are Your Ficus Trees Getting Enough Wind?

Not your typical indoor gardening advice

Published in
4 min readDec 29, 2018


Ficus trees are low-maintenance houseplants that can flourish indoors with humans. They need good natural light, the right vibes coming from the humans and a routine watering schedule. I have sadly known people who kill ficus trees by over-watering them. Pick a day of the week and water your ficus friend on that day every week — and only on that day. Once a week watering; no more, no less. The ficus roots need to dry out and breathe between waterings. And this, by the way, is a good reason to plant your ficus child in a clay pot. But to tell you the truth, if a ficus tree is happy it will grow in just about any container.

Source: Pixabay

For a ficus tree to be happy it needs four things. Its roots need to be able to breathe. It needs abundant natural, organic light — in other words, it needs to be near a window. They cannot take too much direct sunlight (much like some people I know) but they need the natural light of a window. This keeps them connected to the natural rhythms of the planet. I have noticed that ficus trees, like cats, will sit for hours just staring out the window. They remind me of me when I was a kid.

