At The French Hotel

À l’Hôtel Français

Stuart James
2 min readNov 24, 2016


Concierge: Bonjour.

Moi: àáâèéêôçÀÁÂÈÉÊÔÇ

Concierge: Quoi?

Compagnon de la Nuit: Why don’t you speak English? I bet he speaks English. And did you just call me a mushroom?

Moi: [aside] No, mushroom is champignon. Compagnon means companion, I think. Companion of the Night.

CdlN: It still doesn’t sound very nice.

Moi: [aside] Hush. [to Concierge] J’ai un reservation. Nom de… Zhemme...z. [aside] Did I need to say it phonetically?

Concierge: [a trace of French accent] Ah, Mr James, good afternoon. May I have your passports?

CdlN: Told you.

Moi: [aside] And I told you, hush. [to Concierge] Voici, les deux.

Concierge: Thank you.

CdlN: I don’t want to be Companion of the Night. I don’t like it.

Moi: [aside] It’s romantic. Anyway, you’re a fictional character. You do whatever I want you to do.

CdlN: I bloody don’t. I’ll do whatever I want to do.

Moi: I could put you in a box, dans une bôite, and have you taken away.

[FX: a box closes]

CdlN: [muffled shouting] Hey! Let me out!

Concierge: Merci, monsieur. Your passports, and your keys.

CdlN: [muffled shouting] And he’s not a concierge! A concièrge is —

[FX: sound of a heavy object being dragged]

Moi: Merci, c’est meilleur. Avez-vous ici, oh, comment on le dis en Français, wee-fee?

Concierge: We say wi-fi. The password is on your keycard.

Moi: Brilliant. I can carry on with life as normal.

CdlN: Did you know, on my tablet, you can set the keyboard to French, instead of messing about with copy-and-paste?

Moi: How did you get out of that box?

CdlN: I’m fictional. Don’t you always say fictional characters can do anything? And you don’t write their words for them, you just listen to what they say and copy it down?

Moi: Yes, but —

CdlN: Then shut up and start copying down. [to Concierge] Can we make a reservation for dinner, please?

Concierge: Of course, madame. Would you like a table with a sea view?

CdlN: Is that extra?

Concierge: There is normally a small charge, but for you —

CdlN: No, just put it on the bill, please. Whatever will cost him the most.

Moi: Plus ça change, plus c’est le meme chose.

CdlN: You’re not fooling anyone with your schoolboy French. Pick my bag up. Carefully.

Moi: [shrugs, in a Gallic fashion]

CdlN: At last, you’re getting the hang of this.

[Fin de scène]

