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Barefoot in the Park

Being a conduit for healing, universal forces

Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2019


(Nov. 2016)

Back in the days of the old Edgar Cayce hospital in Virginia Beach Mr. Cayce used to tell sick patients to get into their skimpiest bathing suits and go lay out in the sand on the beach; not on a towel but directly on the sand. He prescribed sunbathing on the beach to cleanse the body of toxins. The body would absorb nutrients (and universal consciousness) from the sun and the sand would suck out the toxins accumulated within the body. This can be done anywhere but beaches are prime locations because they are right on the dividing line between the energies of the earth and the energies of the ocean. Sand is also the best condition for the earth to be in to transmit energy and the sand there in Virginia Beach is very high in gold (according to Cayce) so it is especially good for sucking those toxins out.

With today’s mass hysteria about skin cancer, Mr. Cayce’s sunbathing on the beach remedy is no longer considered politically correct. But personally, I think it is just as valid today as back in the days of the hospital. We need the sun and we need earth, just like we need water and air. The sun feeds us, not just with light and consciousness, but with essential nutrients and vitamins. Humans are currently plagued with a sunshine vitamin deficiency and the biggest side…

