Behind Your Brain, Understanding The Complex Psychology of Break Ups

And why throwing a stone into the sea is a great way to understand why you’ll always end up in bed with your ex.

Argumentative Penguin


CREDIT: Sasint on Pixabay

Want to move on? Fed up of ending up in bed together after you both promised it would never happen again? Here’s a quick and handy guide to the revolving door of bad relationship breakups.

Let’s do some arty visualisation first. Then we’ll drill into the Psychology.

Take a deep breath. Imagine yourself standing on a stony beach. No… although it might be tempting if you’ve just broken up with someone, don’t walk out to sea. Things aren’t that bad.

Instead, imagine you’ve picked up a stone. I bet you want to throw it out to sea? That’s what almost everyone does if you give them this scenario.

Human beings toss stones into water. They like the splash.

It’s a futile exercise that serves no purpose. What it shows is that humans have a propensity to interact with their environment. We have an internal reward system that operates when we show competence.

In short, we get a little happiness kick when we cause an effect on the world. If you’ve ever wondered why humans love skimming stones, popping…



Argumentative Penguin

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