Source: Pixabay

Cold Turkey

When writing is an addiction

White Feather
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2019


(From 8–17)

George’s morning was just like every single one of his mornings. He awoke each morning at 6 a.m. sharp. After performing ablutions he would take a short walk around the neighborhood. It was the best time of day for a walk.

He would then come back inside and have breakfast. Every single morning his breakfast was exactly the same. He would eat three eggs and nothing else — and he did not even eat all of the eggs. With the fried eggs on his plate he would cut away the white part of the eggs and then scoop the yolk whole into his mouth. There is nothing like the taste and texture of a hot egg yolk exploding in one’s mouth. Over ninety per cent of all the nutrition found in an egg is in the yolk. The white parts of George’s eggs ended up in the trash.

After breakfast, George would fix himself a tall glass of ice water then he would proceed to his desk where he would boot up his laptop. He then spent the rest of the morning writing. Seven days a week, every morning was the same.

Today, George found himself staring at the blank screen for a very long time. It is not that he had nothing to write about. Writer’s block is something he never experienced. It is because he was thinking intensely about his writing and how it was like an addiction.

