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On timing and the orchestration of events

Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2019



The more complicated things get, the closer we are to seeing that complication turn into its opposite: simplicity. There comes a point when things get so darn complicated that we just turn it off, and voila, everything suddenly becomes very simple. Complications are games we use to have fun with simple things.

In the old game, we saw everything in a linear fashion. We were born into a life, lived it, died, went to a spooky ethereal place where we regrouped between lives and planned our next lives. Then we would be born into a new life, live it, die, and back to the spooky place.

The new game is to see all this from a perspective of simultaneous time, parallel reality, probable realities, simultaneous lives, and all the other metaphysical catch phrases. The new game is to see everything from the perspective of the elusive NOW. It rhymes with ‘elusive Tao.’ It also rhymes with ‘elusive WOW,’ and that is the real prize in the game, no? How many WOWs can we experience in a day? A WOW is just a moment of clarity we experience when we touch the NOW.

In a linear way, it seems complicated how we can be in that spooky place between lives and plan sequential events for our next life. It is mind-boggling how many events have to line up to even create…

