
Finding Balance In All the Right Places

How balanced is your balance?

Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2019


(Jan 2019)

Humans are made up of both yin and yang energies. It is when those two energies are balanced that we feel alive, at peace, anxiety-free, conflict-free, and filled with joy.

Humans also live in what appears to be two different worlds simultaneously; inner and outer. The outer world we react to with our outer senses of sight, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching and we exchange energy through our outward interactions with those things and those people we perceive with our senses.

Our inner world is accessed through our inner senses. It is what is going on energetically inside of ourselves; what we think, what emotions we are generating, our attitudes, and what feeling-tone vibrations we are maintaining and embracing.

When trying to find balance the ultimate balance is found when there is a balance of yin and yang in our outer world AND a balance of yin and yang also in our inner world. This way BOTH worlds are in balance. We will eventually find that if there is an imbalance in one world it will be reflected in the other. So we just cannot try to find balance in only one of our worlds.

Occasionally some humans slip into a situation where they feel an illusory sense of balance because…

