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Loving Haters

It is about energy

Published in
4 min readDec 21, 2018


I once read on the internet a post by someone who said that they hated people who hate. Their post was followed by numerous comments by people who agreed and who listed the groups of people they hated. But no one pointed out the obvious in that statement. If you hate people who hate then you are someone who hates so, therefore, you must hate yourself. This reveals much.

Hate is energy. It is an emotional energy generated within the body in reaction to thoughts being generated in the noggin. Thought and emotion are inextricably linked. You can’t have a thought without a resultant emotion and you can’t have an emotion without having a thought. Thought and emotion are a duality-based principle resulting from having a body and a noggin in a duality-based reality.

Being an energy, hate can be very energizing. We are always looking for energy to fuel us. Emotions do this and help make us feel alive. Hate is one of the strongest of emotions, providing intense energy. So when we are feeling sluggish or insignificant we need a boost of energy and emotions can provide this… even if only temporarily. So, to activate emotions in order to boost our energy, we need to think the thoughts that produce those emotions.

Thinking negative judgmental thoughts about other people is one of the quickest ways to produce strong…

