MLK Misremembered: The Inconvenient Truth About Martin Luther King, Jr.

His Words They Never Bring Up

William Spivey
Published in
3 min readJan 1, 2023


Photo by Unseen Histories at Unsplash

There is the Martin that America claims as one of its greatest heroes, and the Martin that was for America to revere MLK as it now does. It had to forget what they thought about him while he lived and dilute and distill his message to reflect what is convenient.

The FBI tried to tie Martin Luther King to communism, in one report claiming he was a “whole-hearted communist who followed a Marxist-Leninist line.” The FBI attempted to link every radical civil rights movement to communism, including the NAACP, Black Panthers, and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). They infiltrated his organization, spread rumors, and planted fake news stories to discredit him. J. Edgar Hoover, then FBI Director, even had sent a letter threatening to disclose his marital infidelities, hoping to induce him to commit suicide. King’s activities put him in constant danger from the police and local officials that maintained power where he led his protests. To those who hated what he represented. He survived an attempt to kill him by a black woman at a book signing, and she was later proclaimed unstable. Despite the forces aligned against him, he still spoke out against injustice.

“ Our lives begin to end the day we become…



William Spivey

I write about politics, history, education, and race. Follow me at and support me at