Valentine’s Day

My Valentine is a Dog

A both winning and losing story

White Feather
Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2021


Image from Pixabay

(My Valentine’s Day story from 2018, with addendum.)

A hundred years ago when I first got on the internet one of the very first things I did was enter a writing contest. A dear friend of mine had been cajoling me into getting online so that I could go to a certain website where she regularly wrote articles. She wanted me to read her articles but she also kept saying that my writing would be perfect for that site.

So I asked Santa Claus for a computer for Christmas. I had been using computers at various jobs for years but I never had my own personal computer. Lo and behold, Santa came through. A personal computer magically appeared under the Christmas tree. My little family entered the digital age.

It was not until January that I finally got online and made my way to that website my friend suggested. I was instantly hooked. I started an account at that website and posted an article or two. Then one day I went to that site and there was a major announcement posted by the administrator of the site. It was announced that the site was having a Valentine’s Day writing contest. The first prize was a hundred bucks!

That got my attention! Receiving money for writing? What an exciting and novel idea. I decided I…

