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Our Creative Journey

Learning how infinitely powerful we are

White Feather
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019


Every single time we think a thought, that thought flows over the neurons in our noggin and it is electrically zapped and in this process, it is given life. Every single thought we think is like a child we create, birth, and give life to. Just like the physical human children we create, every thought has free will. As soon as we give life to a thought by thinking it, it no longer belongs to us. It is an independent creation with free will that we no longer have any control over. Having been given life, that thought then goes out into the infinite field of infinite possibilities in hopes of magnetizing the possibilities that will allow that thought/creation to manifest and express itself fully.

Think about that. We can say that we, each of us, are thoughts that our Creator once thought. Our Creator’s thought went into the infinite field of infinite possibilities inside this womb universe. Those thoughts magnetized just the right possibilities for us to be born into these human bodies. We have free will and are an independent creation of the Creator who “thought us.” We have manifested in order to fully express the thought that we were created from. That thought was a thought of unconditional love and it was zapped with the energy and consciousness of that unconditional love as it was being created.

