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Perpetual Motion

The significance of curiosity

Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2019



Always question everything that you have been taught, everything that you have been told, everything that you have ever learned, everything that on the surface makes sense. Question everything!

If you are not questioning everything then you are buying someone else’s truth. By not questioning everything you are avoiding important lessons and crucial experiences that lead to understanding. You are bypassing the learning experience.

Humans have been conditioned from early childhood not to ever question those who proclaim truth. That is how those in power maintain their power. That is how they keep you in a box and control you.

Every hierarchical gestalt on the planet maintains its power by preventing those following the gestalt from asking questions.

The only way we can get out from being controlled is by questioning that which controls us. By not questioning we are imprisoned and are unable to free ourselves from all the imposed limitations we have accepted as being out of our control.

All knowledge is available to all people. Questioning is the key to all knowledge. Free will is the right to question all things. When we stop questioning we are giving our free will away and we become slaves.

