Source — Pixabay

Pushing the Envelope

It takes dedicated training

White Feather
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2019



Are you pushing the envelope more each and every new day? Our bodies are not conditioned to hold and express the vibratory feeling-tone frequencies of joy and wonderment on a regular basis. We may experience sporadic moments of ecstatic bliss but our bodies are not yet capable of sustaining that frequency on a constant basis. It is up to us to condition our bodies to be able to do so.

This conditioning is much like an athlete’s conditioning. The athlete works out every day, and each day pushes the limits of her abilities. Slowly, the limits of those abilities grow and expand. After two months of training, the athlete is capable of doing things beyond where her abilities were before training commenced.

Likewise, we can train our bodies to hold ever-increasing amounts of joy vibrations. We push the envelope a little bit more each day. With conscious intent we can immerse ourselves in the joy vibrations each day; say for 10 minutes a day to start, increasing that time a little bit each day.

How do we get into the joy vibration? First, we have to turn the brain chatter off. Next, we need some beauty. It can be found where ever we look. We then concentrate on that beauty. We don’t think about it, though! Instead, we just observe it and try to feel it. If…

