R & R…

Ann Litts
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021


The first day of vacation feeling

Photo by Chema Photo on Unsplash

August 2017:

I’m officially on vacation. There is a different vibe to My Life when I woke up this morning. There was no alarm clock at 0500 bonging at me, even though most mornings I am awake before it goes off.

There was a peaceful, slow embracing of my morning. I pondered the vastness of the next twelve days. All that yummy time. All mine. Sure I have a few things on my to do-list, but mostly, I’m going to head to the beach — eventually — and just BE with my daughter, son-in-law, and grandkids.

There is no rush to anything, no timeline, no haste. I can already feel my inner clock adjusting to this non-rhythm rhythm. I exhale all the way to the bottom of my lungs. I find myself drinking every sip of coffee this morning without haste.

I am savoring My Life. Yes, that’s the word. Savoring.

It’s not as though I don’t enjoy My Life when I’m punching a clock, I happen to love my J.O.B. and my co-workers. But this is different.

This is a gift I’m giving to myself, this time out of time. Renewal, refresh, regenerate, relax and rest. All the very best “R” words.

Remember the first day of summer vacation? This is it for me today. It is the feeling I woke up with this morning. Peace, freedom, and joy all rolled into one.

