Source: Pixabay

The Baggage Wagon

How much are we hauling around from life to life?

Published in
8 min readSep 22, 2018


We accumulate so much baggage over the course of our lives. So much of it, we clear out of our minds to be dealt with later. Over a long life, we accumulate more and more baggage and we never seem to have time to deal with old baggage. We do not even have time to deal with the new baggage. We just toss it all on our baggage wagon.

We pull that baggage wagon behind us throughout our lives. It gets heavier and heavier and eventually slows down our movement. It becomes a real drag.

We keep thinking we can put off dealing with it all until later. We are not sure when later is but as long as we are putting it off until later then we do not have to deal with it as we live our lives — even though it can seriously cramp our traveling style.

Then one day — out of the blue, so to speak — we find ourselves on our deathbed. ‘Later’ suddenly arrives.

For many of us, our deathbed turns out to be a hospital bed. We wake up looking at the ceiling of a hospital room. Looking around us we see that we are hooked up to machines with wires and tubes. There is a metal railing on either side of our bed. It’s a little like that crib that we found ourselves in after we first came into our life.

