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The Cow and the Mosquito

And their diabolical plan!

Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2018


Frieda the cow was leisurely chewing grass near the barbed-wire fence on the west side of the pasture. From the corner of her right eye she spotted a mosquito sitting leisurely on the middle wire of the fence.

Frieda stopped chewing and walked over to the fence where the mosquito was perched. “Excuse me, Mr. Mosquito, may I ask you for some advice?”

“Rosko’s the name. Call me Rosko.”

“Oh, uh, okay. Hello Rosko the mosquito. My name is Frieda.”

“What a lovely name.”

Frieda batted her eyelashes.

“So what can I do ya for? I’m not very bright so I don’t know how good I’d be at advice but I’m always willing to try. If we mosquitoes are famous for anything, it’s for being helpful.”

“What? I’ve never heard that before.”

“Oh sure. For instance, we are friends with several kinds of viruses. As you know, viruses don’t have legs so they can’t walk and they don’t have wings so they can’t fly. We’re always giving them rides everywhere.” Rosko laughed, “I guess you could call us their Uber.”

“Uber. What a funny sounding word,” Frieda flapped her lips in laughter. “Yes, well…. uh…. that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m sure…

