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The Greatest Choice

Loving our enemies

Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2018


I came to a major realization once that led me to make a very huge personal choice. I realized that as long as I had so much as one single solitary “enemy” then I could not love myself. One cannot love oneself one iota more than how much one loves one’s worst enemy.

For me, it was a very profound realization. I wanted to choose life and to choose to love myself. I desperately wanted to love myself. But I realized that in order to love myself I had to love all other people. I realized there is no way around that.

Most people never come to that realization and most that do don’t come to it until they are on their deathbed. Not until then do they realize how utterly futile their antagonism was. Not until then do they realize how much negative energy they put out. Not until then do they realize that every person they ever met in their lives was a reflection of what is inside them and every one of those people was a supreme gift and opportunity to express love. Not until then do they want to make things right with everyone but by then it is often much too late.

I decided not to put it off until my deathbed. I wanted to make it right, right now. I chose not to have any enemies no matter what. I found out how difficult that was but over time it has become a little easier.

