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The Paths We Are On

Where are you going?

Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2018


To me, the most important part of any path is the ground directly below one’s feet. That is the only part of one’s path that can be experienced and enjoyed in the present NOW. Time spent scrutinizing and judging the part of the path behind us that we have already traveled is time wasted and time spent not in the NOW. Likewise, excessive scrutiny and judgment of the path that lies ahead also is time spent not in the NOW, not present on the spot of the path we currently are on.

Our awareness and appreciation and actions in the present NOW determine how the path unfolds in front of us. If we are loving ourselves in the present NOW then a path of possibilities opens up for that love to continue and grow.

My own personal pathway has taken me to countless different places with many different experiences but in many ways it has not changed much over the years. No matter where my path takes me I bring with me so many of the same burdens and challenges. Though the pathway seems to take me to ever new places, there has not been a corresponding amount of change. I learn the same lessons and meet the same challenges over and over. It can seem like the path is a big circle.

