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Throwing Rocks

What happened one day out at the lake…

Published in
4 min readMar 20, 2019


May 2016:

She walked away from it all. She walked out the door, letting the screen door slam shut behind her. She walked down the gravel pathway towards the road. Once on the road, she kept walking and walking.

She finally came to the turnoff leading down to the lake. Everything that had happened back in the trailer had suddenly left her. Her mind was blank. Through her walking, she had released everything in her life — at least for the moment.

Walking down to the lake she suddenly started feeling better. She took in the entire scene; the blue lake, the green hills on the other side of the lake, the fishermen standing on the lake shore with their fishing poles, the handful of screaming children chasing each other along the shore, the families sitting in their lawn chairs with their cans of beer sharing stories, the dogs chasing the children, the geese floating leisurely on the lake, the men standing next to the barbeque pits turning their meat, the teenagers playing Frisbee…

She kept walking towards the water’s edge. With each passing step she felt emptier and happier. Her muscles relaxed now that they were free of the tension that filled her home. The sound of birds now replaced the reverberating sound of the television that was constantly on in the…

