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Walking Lightly

Moving through the physical world

Published in
4 min readJan 18, 2019


For me, walking is a form of meditation. To me, walking is a spiritual practice. And I do an awful lot of it: Every. Single. Day.

Of course, I would be lying if I said that I was always in a state of meditation every time I walk. I’m not a freaking saint. Far from it.

For walking to truly be a form of meditation it must be done WITHOUT thought. It must be done with an empty noggin. Yes, it is advisable to watch where you are walking and to take in sensory data in order to navigate so that you don’t walk directly into a brick wall. But your brain can do that without conscious thought. What I am talking about are all those thoughts repeatedly streaming through your noggin that have nothing whatsoever to do with your walk.

As an example, allow me to describe my walk to work this afternoon. Luckily, I live only two and a half blocks from my part-time job. I always try to make my walk to and from work a meditation but I am not always successful.

During the first block on my walk to work this afternoon, my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. I was thinking about the stuff that I had to get done at work during my shift. I was thinking about all the stuff that I wanted to get done when I got home after work. I was thinking about this and about that and about a…

