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When Hummingbirds Attack

4 Santa Clauses walk into a bar…

Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2018


Who doesn’t love hummingbirds? They are such beautiful birds. Seriously, how can anyone not love hummingbirds?

Well, I knew someone once who was deathly afraid of hummingbirds. His name was Harold. He was an acquaintance from work back when I lived in Southern California so long ago. Harold always wore very “loud” clothing.

A group of seven of us workers met one evening for dinner at a restaurant in Palm Springs. We arrived at the restaurant parking lot in two cars. As we walked across the parking lot to the entrance to the restaurant a swarm of hummingbirds descended on Harold.

Harold was wearing a bright red shirt. The hummingbirds — there must have been at least two dozen of them — flew directly at Harold and then stopped and hovered around him. Some of the birds would dart in at him then back up then dart again.

I saw the whole thing. The hummingbirds left the rest of us alone. They were exclusively focused on Harold and his red shirt. Hal was frantically waving his arms to keep the birds at bay. He was also screaming like a girl.

Once inside the restaurant we got a table by a large window. Once our orders were taken, conversation centered around hummingbirds and clothing.

