Why Pissing on a Couch Is Not That Big of a Deal

But I Wouldn’t Recommend It

Jeff Barton
Published in
5 min readOct 3, 2018


Photo by Jonathan Percy on Unsplash — the perfect photo for this story.

I pissed all over someone else’s couch once. And then tried to flush the couch.

It was February 9, 1991. I remember the exact date because I was a huge fan of the NBA slam dunk contest which aired that day. The recklessness of youth was on full display and beer was involved. Lots of beer.

I was a freshman in college and we did what many college kids do. We partied — but sometimes you party a little too much. That is what happened to me.

We started the evening at a fraternity house which involved many kegs and a few beer bongs. Back then, I had no sense of when to stop, so I drank and drank. By the time I left the party, I was feeling good.

After leaving the fraternity house, my friend and I decided to go to his girlfriend’s parents house who were out of town at the time — and more beer.

When we arrived at the house, I sat down in her living room to watch the slam dunk contest. And as I took my spot in the corner of the L-shaped couch (Exhibit A), I couldn’t believe how comfortable it was. So while watching the television, I fell asleep.



Jeff Barton

Dad, trail/ultra runner, orophile & aspiring recluse. I write about life, mental health, and running. Starting life over. Creator of Runner’s Life.