UX Project at RED Academy — Blood Donation

RED Academy
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2016

The problem

There is no source that shares in real time where donation is needed (for whom and which type of blood).

The opportunity/solution

Blood donation app that will create a communication channel between users: information share by them, interaction between them and certainty of who they´re helping.

User interview script

What do you know about blood donation?

Do you know your blood type?

If you have donate blood, why did yo do it? / If you haven´t, why not?

What do it take you to donate blood?

How do you feel about donating blood?

What do you expect of donating blood?

In what, donating blood will improve your life?

Domain & competitors

Canadian Blood Services


Anna has a relative in the hospital and they are looking for blood. She is worried because she needs it as soon as possible and the hospital doesn´t have that type of blood so they are on waiting list.

Use case (written)

Use title case: Find blood asap

Precondition: Does the person has the app already? Someone told he/she about it?

  1. Sign in the app with your Facebook or Email account — create a profile
  2. Post in “Timeline” your request (type of blood, hospital, patients name)
  3. All users can see the post / users with same type of blood and same area from the post can be notified (turn on/off notifications)
  4. Users available to donate go to the hospital and do it
  5. Users can comment or post photos, like/dislike the post, share it (FB and Tw), etc. (case of success)
  6. Exceptions:

Fake post (not real information)

User journey map


Information Architecture

User flows


Usability test

Testing the first prototype for Care+ app

Scope: The goal is that the user creates his profile and post for first time. During testing the user is asked to identify pain points and areas that were easy to use. Testing includes navigation and buttons.

Goal: Creates profile and post for first time using Care+ app.

Scenario: User knows about Care+ app and its porpouse. Now, with a friend at the hospital needing blood the user is asked to create a profile and post for first time using the app.

Testing: Users were asked to create their profile and write a post using the mobile prototype.


Pain points:

· Asked if they can post without having a profile or create account later

· Confusion about the settings (editing their profile)

· Not clear post section and post button


· Not so many buttons

· Noticed in which section they are

· Less steps to create account

Action items (improve for next prototype):

· Make obvious post section and button

· Improve the settings section for editing their profile

· Info section more friendly

· Create account later

