JULY 2019

Evelyn Levy
Red Bagels
Published in
4 min readOct 24, 2021

July was an interesting, challenging, and celebratory month. There are 2 parts to this post. The first is a great milestone we reached and the second part will be an update on all our exciting projects.

Red Bagels would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to the following organizations and people in the U.S.A who trusted in us and so kindly assisted and supported us through the process of applying for our membership for ED compliance. Our gratitude to Jonathan Gerber from Gerberco. Charles Schwab, Caley Kurchinski from Schwab Charitable. Neda Shahram From NGOsource. Katy Chin from TechSoup, all of whom gave invaluable guidance, time and support throughout the process enabling us to reach our goal.

Red Bagels assisted by our exceptional team Ian; Jeanine; and Michelle led by Grace Hughes (Accountant and Trustee) from Light and Livingston Accountants; Bookkeepers; and Tax Consultants, are so proud and excited to share the awesome news. The Red Bagels Charitable Trust has now successfully completed the process of registering as an Equivalency Determination Trust fund. An ED certificate for our organization is available in the NGOsource repository, and immediately available to our member Grantmakers for a small processing fee (and with no further effort on your part).

THE RED BAGELS CHARITABLE TRUST’s Equivalency Determination certification (EDCertificate) is valid through February 28, 2021.

This is a huge achievement especially for such a small and very young Charity. This means we are equal in compliance and recognized as a fully certified charity in USA. It lends a great amount of validity and prestige to our trust and will assist greatly in receiving funding in the future.

Congratulations everyone you made it happen!

Once again Red Bagels would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to each and everyone who assisted, you made it all possible. We are positive this will increase our ability to make an even bigger impact in the world by increasing our happiness footprint and bringing more joy quicker.

We are also very happy to update you on the Ciniselani Centre’s Toilet project. This project is now 90% complete and we are in the process of putting the finishing touches to it. It has been a challenging month as I am managing the project from far away and working with Patricia who has never run a project this size nor built anything before.

Therefore we had lots of fun working through the logistics and crossing the hurdles as they came up. Patricia rose to the occasion like a professional and I learnt a lot from her. We ran the project together with our exceptionally competent builder Nkosana who was ever so patient, understanding, and had a phenomenal work ethic. They both gave 200% of themselves to the job. He worked around all the obstacles and remained positive and happy from beginning to end. This project has truly been a labour of love and when it is completed, we have no doubt it will be the best facility for miles around.

Unfortunately we do have some sad news to share, in the past week Patricia was attacked while out doing some work and had her mobile phone and some money stolen from her and we were very heart sore to hear she had been badly beaten and suffered some injuries including fractured ribs. Patricia has been very brave and all she thinks about is getting back to work so we can finish the project. Patricia, we at Red Bagels wish you a full and speedy recovery, take care of yourself and we know your fighting spirit and determination will see you up and about soon.

We would also like to wish Grace (our other valued trustee) and Dave, Congratulations from Red Bagels on their wedding and we hope you will enjoy many healthy, happy years together.

So as we go into August on a very positive note, we look forward to another awesome month during which we will strive to increase our happiness footprint in the world. Wishing you all happiness, success, and a sensational August.

Have a beautiful, happy day and another month of greatness.

Powered by love and committed to kindness. Enjoy bringing love and kindness into the world.

