Five Unconventional Ways to Relax Your Body & Mind

Brandy Clark
Red Curtain Erotica
4 min readFeb 16, 2021

Life can be full of unrelenting stressors that tend to build up in a domino-effect fashion. The reality is, no one is immune to feeling stressed out now and then. Sure, taking a luxurious bubble bath, running a few miles, or booking a massage are all incredible ways to address these overwhelming feelings. But what about equally effective solutions that are less conventional?

We’ve got you covered on some ideas on how to feel less stressed out. Read on and discover some unconventional solutions to your stress.

  1. Make a satisfyingly nourishingly healthy meal for yourself: It may feel time-consuming when your go-to is ordering Chinese takeout from that deliciously greasy and cheap spot across the street from your apartment. Plus, we know it can add up when you’re shopping per recipe. Ideally, you’re going to want to shop organically, but we know that’s not always possible when you’re strapped for cash. Find a website that offers healthy and affordable recipes and revel in the joy of creating! We promise you’ll feel content and relaxed once you’re indulging in a nourishing meal you’ve created yourself.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

2. Phone your funniest friend: Don’t think too hard about this next question. Who makes you laugh the hardest? Who was the first person who came into your mind? The next time you’re feeling stressed out, hit this individual up, either in person or if you don’t have the luxury of living in the same city as them, call or Facetime them. Prioritize a genuine laugh and deep conversation with someone who really gets you.

Photo by Deon Black on Unsplash

3. Masturbate: No, seriously. Go masturbate, so this next paragraph hits home with you. We’ll wait.…

Okay. So? How much better do you feel already? That’s what we thought. Taking time out of your busy day to masturbate is truly essential to effectively de-stressing. Switch it up and get creative with your masturbation routine. Why not try combining the age-old bubble bath advice with our masturbating advice and get yourself a waterproof vibrator to take with you in the tub? Oh, yeah. Do that.

Masturbating or having sex daily is your human right. Let yourself experience pleasure and intimacy — either with yourself or your partner — each day and see what it does to your ability to manage your stress. Masturbation can be an incredibly helpful way to relax your body and mind. We urge you not to forget this! Try daily masturbation for one week and see how it affects you. If it’s not for you, no worries! At least you gave it the old college try.

4. Get lost in fiction: Sometimes the best way to get out of your own head is to dive into a fictional universe. This is especially effective if you turn the pages on something a little different. Usually enjoy gritty thrillers? Curl up with a cozy. A fan of romance? Take it up a notch with some steamy erotica.

Photo by Rogelio Hidalgo on Unsplash

5. Get yourself to a dog. STAT. Even if you don’t have a dog: We don’t know who needs to hear this, but dogs, (and cats), are awesome. If you’re feeling stressed out, it might help to cuddle with a sweet pup for a while. Don’t have one? Hit up your friends who do! Some dog owners would freak over their friend offering to take their dog for a walk for them. Do yourself and your friend a favor and take a dog to a dog park or around the block. This can be especially helpful as a way to relax your mind and get out of your own head for a bit.

The most important aspect of relaxing your mind and body is to carve out time for yourself. Make yourself and your health — sexual and otherwise — a number one priority. Everyone has different preferences for reducing stress and relaxing. Find what works for you and explore new ways to make yourself feel happy and good!

Photo Citations:

Chernus, Taras.

A hand fingering a grapefruit seductively.

Du Preez, Priscilla.

Three women laughing outside together.

Gu, Kate.

Close up of a puppy.



Brandy Clark
Red Curtain Erotica

Brandy Clark is a freelance writer and content strategist. She covers a wide variety of topics, including adult entertainment, sexual health, and relationships.