From OpenFaaS to your Serverless Telar Social Network

Amir Movahedi
Red Gold
Published in
3 min readDec 21, 2019

By the end of this article you have your own Telar Social media up and running using OpenFaaS on OpenFaaS Cloud through some easy steps in a nutshell.

Who is this project for

If you are looking for a social media…

  • Designed for different purpose, social network, social review, image sharing, video sharing, community blog, discussion or sharing economy network
  • Easy to setup and develop.
  • Open source.
  • Running on public cloud, private cloud or on premises.
  • Built base on Domain Driven Design architecture for microservice/cloud functions.
  • Running on Kubernetes.
  • High performance and at scale.

Why OpenFaaS

OpenFaaS makes it easy for developers to deploy functions and microservices to Kubernetes without repetitive, boiler-plate coding. Package your code or an existing binary in a Docker image to get a highly scalable endpoint with auto-scaling and metrics.

  • Write functions in any language for Linux or Windows and package in Docker/OCI image format.
  • Portable
  • runs on existing hardware or public/private cloud
  • Kubernetes and Docker Swarm native.
  • Auto-scales as demand increases.

Ingredient 🍲🍜

For running this project (for Development purpose) all the ingredients have free usage plan to test the project.

  • OpenFaaS CLI installed on your computer. (CLI)
  • MongoDB database connection string and password. (Database)
  • Heroku account. (Websocket server)
  • Google account. (Firebase Storage and Recaptcha)

Get Started🏃🏻

After you have your ingredients ready, we will start to setup Telar Social on OpenFaaS.

Clone Telar Social on your computer

Telar social including :

Telar Web designed for handling authentication, notifications, realtime actions, file storage and admin services.
Telar Social Serverless handling posts, comments, votes, social community and media services.
Telar Social User Interface is the frontend that using ReactJS.

Telar CLI automate Telar Social Setup. Follow the article Telar Social one-click deploy: OpenFaaS.

Follow the video tutorial to setup your Social Network.

The setup should takes less than 5 minutes (if your ingerdients are ready before start). Here you go!

Now your Telar social is ready to use!😍🏆

Access pages
- Signup page: `https://[your-social-domain]/auth/signup`
- Login page: `https://[your-social-domain]/auth/login`

Learn more about the project 🥧 🍰 🎂 🍮 🍭 🍬

👋 For more information please visit Telar official website.




Amir Movahedi
Red Gold

Full-Stack, Cloud, Kubernetes, IoT lover, distributed system and clean architecture. (every click is valuable!)