Is your Smartphone Really Listening to your Conversations?

Kyra Hatzikosmidis
Red Herring Digital
3 min readFeb 17, 2019

There is no denying that we are living in a digital age. For most people, especially those of us working in social media and digital marketing agencies our phones are attached to us 24/7. From a pocket-sized camera, accessible encyclopaedia and primary contact tool the mobile phone is imperative for navigating through today’s society.

A digital marketing dream, the popularity of smartphones provides a consistent opportunity to reach consumers throughout their day as they frequently scroll through their social media feeds, emails and search engines.

While social media and digital marketing agencies benefit significantly from the intricate and personalised nature of targeted ads, consumers are often left questioning if their phones are listening to them, or if someone is always watching.

Have you ever been left baffled at the level of personalisation on all of the ads you see on your phone? Have you found yourself looking at your camera and wondering if anyone is looking back at you? Have you ever wondered quietly ‘is my phone listening to me?”.

Let us ease your mind. Your phone is not listening to you. But we can tell you how all of us (social media marketing companies) appear to be watching your every move.

Facebook has given digital marketing agencies an invisible superpower and has named it a “Pixel”. It’s our best friend, and it could be yours too. An invisible plugin that is installed on business websites, Pixel helps social media marketing retarget advertisements to the most relevant audience.

While this may seem a little intrusive on closer inspection, it is, in a way, kind of polite. All of the ads you scroll past are tailored to suit your interest based on your web browser activity meaning you will begin to see useful and personalised products and brands. Personalised ads are way more helpful than the bug spray commercials you see on television five times an hour, so really everyone’s a winner.

Are you a business owner? Here are some ways Pixel can help you retarget your advertisements to run and manage social media marketing campaigns successfully.

  • Target different users based on which pages on your website they visit and how long they spent on each page
  • Offer first-time visitors special promotions, or a discount code to those with items in their cart
  • Advertise other pages or products based on content previously engaged with
  • Send an offer to your existing customers
  • Track which advertisements generated traffic on your site

Thinking of implementing Pixel to retarget advertisements and up your digital marketing strategy? Contact us to start making your social media marketing dreams come true.

