About the project

The Mayor’s Office of Recovery and Resiliency (ORR), the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, and Council Member Carlos Menchaca are leading a participatory process to commission a public art project on climate change and sea level rise in Red Hook, Brooklyn, and we need your help!

This landmark public art project will engage Red Hook youth in the development of art work that depicts the future of their neighborhood and city in era of vast climate change challenges. Through a participatory process facilitated by the Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent for Art program, anyone with an interest in Red Hook can join in the decision making process.

In March 2017, we will send out a call to artists to submit examples of past work and a statement about their approach to working with youth.

Stay in Touch

Please sign up for updates on calls to artists, future meetings, and other opportunities to get involved.

Contact us with questions or ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will the process take?

  • We held a kickoff meeting in February, which will be followed by a Call to Artists in late March to submit examples of past work and a statement on their approach to working with youth. The Department of Cultural Affairs will put out the call, which will also be posted here.
  • We will hold a second meeting in April to review work submitted through the Call to artists, at which all attendees can vote to select at least 5 artists as finalists who will submit full proposals.
  • The finalists present their proposals at a 3rd meeting in mid Spring.
  • At the final meeting, which we expect to take place in late Spring, the artist and project are chosen.
  • Depending on the project selected, we expect it to be installed by late Summer 2017.

What makes this a participatory process, and how can I participate?

  • The process is being facilitated by the Department of Cultural Affairs’ Percent for Art Program, who has completed hundreds of community-driven public art projects, though this is the first one focused on climate change. Their past projects are cataloged here.
  • Anyone is welcome to participate through our public meetings. Sign up here to be notified when they are scheduled.

How will youth be engaged in this process?

  • Proposals should involve youth in the design or creation process. We’re very open to how artists interpret how to involve youth in this process, but there will be a lead artist or group of artists who will be facilitating that involvement.
  • Youth representatives will participate in an advisory committee to screen submissions through our Call to artists.

How will artists be selected?

  • After the kickoff meeting, the Department of Cultural Affairs will convene an advisory committee that is made up of arts professionals, community representatives, youth representatives, and city agency representatives to do an initial screen of the work submitted through our Call to artists so we can have a manageable number to present to the community at our second meeting.
  • Anyone can participate in our public meeting to vote on the 5 artists to submit full proposals, and in subsequent public meetings to vote on the final project.
  • If you are interested in serving on the advisory committee, please contact us.

What is the relationship between this project and the Percent for Art program?

The Department of Cultural Affairs Percent for Art program staff are facilitating this process, but this is not an official Percent for Art project since it is not funded through a City capital construction project. The funding comes from a grant.

What kind of art work is considered?

  • The art work must be located in an area that is accessible to the public.
  • Art work has been broadly defined in the Regulations as “all forms of visual arts conceived in any medium, material or combination thereof.”
  • The final art work is determined by the funding, nature of the project and the artist selection process outlined above.

Where will the art work be located?

A location has not been selected yet, but a few options include:

  • Louis Valentino, Jr. Park and Pier (art work cannot be in the water or secured to the pier due to regulatory restrictions, but can sit on the pier)
  • Coffey Park
  • Open concrete area on Halleck and Columbia Street
  • Department of Transportation sites (street medians, triangles)
  • Other ideas of privately owned spaces that are open to the public? Let us know.

How long will the art work be installed?

The art work will be installed for up to one year, beginning late Summer 2017 through late Summer 2018.

How can I learn more about the neighborhood and its climate risks?

Check out our About Red Hook page.

Kendal Henry, Director of the Percent for Art Program, presents examples of engaging the public through art at our kickoff meeting in February.



NYC Mayor’s Office - Climate Policy and Programs
Red Hook Public Art Project on Climate Change

Climate Policy and Programs is a unit of the NYC Mayor’s Office that leads the City’s program for integrated climate actions.