After My Gender Conformation Surgery
I told some of what life was like the story of, “ My Life Before My Gender Confirmation surgery that occured on February fourth 2021. The before story had and end when my body was permenantly reshaped and parts reassigned with no tissue wasted. My skillful surgeon helped pry the door to a new life open for me to emerge as Patsy, in mind and body. The final step in coming out? I think not. It was and continues to be a new beginning for me.
There is no ending in this after part of a wonderful but painful transition.. My story continues till I graduate from my now feminine body to my spiritual body when I depart from my earthly existence. No Identity confusion, No fear of harm, opinions or judgement. Maybe I am half way there. Who knows, except my creator. I don’t care. There is nothing else my inner self longs for. I have found a remarkable truth about myself and my eternal uniqueness related to my identity most likely long before I was conceived.
As I mentioned in “My Life Before My Gender Confirmation Surgery,” I was fifty six when I came out to the world. At that time I found the beginning of a new freedom the world could no longer hold back from me. No more fear of being found out because I knew who I was. Those were hard times though. My body was already damaged from testerosterone that I tried so hard to reject. I had facial hair, male pattern…