Patsy Starke
Red Rose
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2017


Dance of the Microorganisms: Poetic Biology

Bad germs hanging out,
in the reservoir of suffering,
waiting for an innocent host.
Searching for that portal,
a door for the uninvited.
Some come from the air,
some from a gentle touch.
They find their way in.
No one knows they’re there,
dancing in the dark.

They divide and conquer.
They bind to their unwilling hosts.
Render them weak, poison them,
sometimes they kill,
not realizing, they too will die.
Like their host, they want to live,
but they seek to destroy.
To the music of moaning and crying,
they dance the dance, of misery.

The Viruses invite themselves.
Wearing their protein coats,
impregnating innocent cells,
mixing RNA with DNA,
multiplying inside.
Bastard organisms released,
finding other unwitting cells.
They fear the macrophages,
immune cells fighting back.
Some of them mutate,
a dance, so hard to follow.

The ungracious hosts,
dancing their dance,
immunity with impunity,
inflammation and annihilation,
antibiotics and probiotics,
a choreographed dance.
Righteous microorganisms,
against the riotous ones,
pathogens marked by antigens,
the dance will end.

Or perhaps,
a pathogenic pause,
until the next time…

Patsy, 2017



Patsy Starke
Red Rose

Registered Nurse, Transgender Woman In a lifelong transition, Parent, Grandparent, Normal every day run of the mill person, realizing my place here.