HAL to highlight Indigenously built Technologies at Aero India 2019

Arjun G
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2019

State run Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) is taking a lead role in organising Aero India 2019, which will be held at Air Force Station, Yelahanka, Bangalore from February 20 to 24, 2019. In addition to providing logistic support for the air show, HAL will showcase its prowess in defence and aerospace centered on the theme ‘Innovate, Integrate and Lead’.

HAL is poised to tap into the opportunities during the forthcoming Aero India and will highlight its indigenously designed and developed fixed and rotary wing platforms, technologies covering power plants and latest R&D offerings. HAL is an industry leader and will continue to leave a mark as a formidable player in the domestic and global defence market,” said R Madhavan, CMD, HAL.

Flying display: HAL’s indigenous products Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas, HTT-40 (Basic Trainer Aircraft), first indigenously upgraded Hawk Mk132, named as Hawk-i, Civil Do-228, Advanced Light Helicopter (Rudra), Light Utility Helicopter (LUH), Light Combat Helicopter (LCH) will fly during Aero India 2019. Both fixed and rotary wing aerobatic teams Suryakiran (Hawk aircraft) and Sarang (ALH-Dhruv) will perform at the air show.

Static display: HAL is showcasing Light Utility Helicopter (PT-1), Light Combat Helicopter (TD-2), Advanced Light Helicopter (Rudra) and ALH MICU (Medical Intensive Care Unit).

Air Show theme: As part of the ‘Innovate’ theme, HAL will showcase Hindustan Turbo Fan Engine (HTFE-25) and Hindustan Turbo Shaft Engine (HTSE-1200) as technology demonstrators, Rotary UAV, models of avionics and mechanical system Line Replacement Units (LRUs) and various complex manufacturing capabilities.

The ‘Integrate’ area will present HAL’s emergence as a product integrator in the aerospace and defence industry. Scaled models of Do-228 military aircraft, LCA fighter and Sukhoi-30MKI (with the major sub-assemblies) will be displayed projecting the lead role played by HAL in developing domestic aeronautical suppliers and the eco-system for manufacturing high-end aircraft.

The ‘Lead’ theme will position HAL as a leader in development of products and certification of aircraft, helicopters and LRUs that meet the customer requirements. Scaled models of LCA trainer aircraft, HTT-40 aircraft, Civil Dornier aircraft, ALH Mk-IV (Rudra), ALH Civil version, LUH (Light Utility Helicopter) will be displayed as lead products under development along with the milestones and achievements. Cockpit wall display (with Multi Function Display) of LCA Mk-IA is another highlight.

Key attractions at HAL pavilion: The main attraction of HAL’s indoor pavilion is the demonstration of tail boom folding and main rotor folding of the Naval Utility Helicopter (NUH), as a Technology Demonstrator. The NUH is the Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) Dhruv with customisation to meet the operational requirements of the Navy.

For the first time, HAL’s Supersonic Omni Role Trainer Aircraft (SPORT) simulator will be positioned at the HAL pavilion. HAL is keen to launch the indigenous development of SPORT (Aircraft) with 4++ generation or equivalent capabilities to bridge the gap in pilot training to command front line fighters. The SPORT aircraft will be utilised for fighter training after Advanced Jet Training stage and before induction of pilots into a frontline fighter squadron.

Another star attraction at the pavilion will be the aerospace corner, virtual and holographic room and Jaguar aircraft simulator.

