iOS developer — 26 Awesome resources for beginners

Ansar Mehmood
Redbeard Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2017
Far too neat a desk for a developer :)

So you’ve decided to jump head-long into iOS app development? Well let us help you out with a set of awesome resources that will hopefully boost productivity.

From Apple

Your starting point for iOS development should be with Apple:

  • A Free Book from Apple called The Swift Programming Language.
  • WWDC Videos. A nice place to start to hear the latest and greatest from Apple.

Blogs, Podcasts & Courses

An assortment of great blogs, podcasts and institutional courses you should check out.

Paid Courses

If you’re looking for places where you can pay and get something a little more commercial grade.


Highly recommended list of newsletters that I think you should sign up to. They’re all a great collection of tips, news, advice and info.

Twitter People

Some awesome tweeps to follow.


Some other sites to make a note of.

  • | You’re definitely going to need this one. When you’re stuck on an issue, there’s almost certainly someone who’s already asked the question and found the answer on SO.
  • | You can find a ton of great open source repo’s from developers out there. Take a look and be inspired to learn by example.
  • | The Swift subreddit has a huge following and can be a great resource for learning.

You can also find me on Twitter :)


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Ansar Mehmood
Redbeard Blog

Serial Entrepreneur. Co-founder of UK startup | Convert your store to an App. Attract and retain customers with powerful push notifications 🎯