Redbeard Marketplace Launch 🎉🎉

Ansar Mehmood
Redbeard Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 10, 2017
Redbeard Marketplace

We’re really excited to announce the launch of the Redbeard Marketplace. Developers and App entrepreneurs can now purchase and download the source code for Apps developed by the Redbeard team. We’re launching today with 2 Apps, Taskeedo — A beautiful task management app, which you can get completely free and RBnB, a clone inspired by AirBnB.

We know how difficult it can be when you’re new to iOS development. Having a good quality App as a reference can make a huge difference when trying to understand how the experts out there would craft the perfect solution.

For App entrepreneurs out there it can be extremely time consuming as well cost thousands of dollars just to get a basic version of their MVP developed and released.

The Redbeard Marketplace will give you a great jumpstart on learning iOS App development as well as massively reduce the time to market on your next project.

Our vision at Redbeard is to develop tools and services that help developers and app entrepreneurs throughout the entire App development lifecycle and so we’ll be looking to add a collection of awesome quality apps to the Redbeard Marketplace over the coming months (as well as releasing some brilliant yet to be announced tools along the way).

Well done to the whole Redbeard Team and everyone who helped along the way. 👏🏼👏🏼

P.S. We’re currently featured on the homepage of Product Hunt!!! Join in the conversation there:

Redbeard Marketplace on Product Hunt



Ansar Mehmood
Redbeard Blog

Serial Entrepreneur. Co-founder of UK startup | Convert your store to an App. Attract and retain customers with powerful push notifications 🎯