Telegram Onboarding Guide

Announcing Redbrick’s Entry into Telegram with the Launch of the Panda Adventure Game!

2 min readAug 19, 2024


We are excited to announce Redbrick’s expansion into Telegram, beginning with the launch of the Panda Adventure game! This game, developed using the Redbrick Engine, is fully compatible with the innovative TON ecosystem. Combining the powerful performance of the Redbrick Engine with TON’s cutting-edge blockchain technology, this game promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience. The various features and unique gameplay of the game are seamlessly implemented through Redbrick’s proprietary engine.

What to Expect from Telegram Onboarding

Through the Telegram onboarding process for the game, users will have the opportunity to receive a portion of BRIC tokens directly within the Telegram ecosystem. Rewards will be distributed in the form of BRIC token airdrops, based on the level of user contribution to the Telegram ecosystem. This approach aims to enhance user engagement and contribute to the vibrancy of the Telegram community.

Project Overview

With the Redbrick Engine, various games can be easily onboarded onto the Telegram platform. This allows developers to launch games without worrying about complex technical issues. Additionally, a dedicated mini app store for Telegram is in preparation. Once this app store opens, users will have the freedom to enjoy a variety of Redbrick content, including Panda Adventure.

Reward System

Within the Telegram ecosystem, a BRIC$ pool will be allocated, with the quantity of airdropped tokens varying dynamically depending on each game. BRIC$ will be airdropped within the games based on users’ contributions to the Telegram ecosystem, allowing users to receive tangible rewards for their participation and activities. This system is designed to encourage active participation and to further energize the in-game economy.

New Reward: BRIC Role

Along with the Telegram onboarding, a new reward system called the “BRIC Role” has been introduced. The BRIC Role is a special Discord role granted to a maximum of 1,000 users, offering significant benefits, including guaranteed airdrops of BRIC$ tokens.

Users who obtain the BRIC Role will gain special privileges and benefits within Discord, increasing their influence within the community. However, if the role holder’s participation in the community is low, the role may be revoked as a measure to encourage active engagement. Additionally, a dedicated chat channel exclusively for BRIC Role holders will be established within Discord, facilitating active interaction and networking among users.

Stay tuned to the Redbrick community for the latest updates!




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