Redbubble announces National Partnership with Code Like a Girl

Michael Kyle
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2018
Programs for Code Like a Girl support girls and women of all ages in Australia. Source:

There are more people named Peter than there are women running ASX200 listed companies.

When Ally Watson, CEO and Co-Founder of Code Like a Girl, shared this statistic at a special event we hosted at our Melbourne office last May, our entire team was met clearly with the reality of inequity. This moment was a pivotal part of our own ongoing journey to understand privilege and to lead more inclusively.

At Redbubble we understand that we have a long term moral, social and economic responsibility to help mitigate the systemic barriers facing marginalized and underrepresented groups in technology.

And we decided the time to take more expressed action was now.

As part of our broader, ongoing commitments and programs relating to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, we are excited to announce our national partnership with Code Like a Girl. One of the first of its kind for us.

“Partnerships are a critical component to the success and reach of our work and Redbubble are a welcome addition to the family. They not only recognise the importance of gender equality in our industry but have made a genuine commitment to supporting our work and program of community activities at a national level designed to enable and empower girls, women and non-binary people in Australia with technology skills and networks.“

— Ally Watson, Code Like a Girl CEO and Founder

Co-Founders of Code Like a Girl, Ally Watson (left) and Vanessa Doake (right). Source: Collective Hub

We believe wholeheartedly in the mission of CLG. Their aspirations to see a better, more just future for underrepresented, underserved communities in technology aligns beautifully with our own.

Code Like a Girl, founded in Melbourne in 2015, sets out to empower women and girls with digital literacy and coding skills and have an aim to close the gap on social and financial disadvantage that women and girls face in Australia. In all parts of Australia too, not just in the big cities.

“It has been inspiring for us to see the passion, creativity and resilience shown by the Code Like a Girl community. If you need an example, just check out their latest project, taking coding instruction on the road to all parts of Australia, meeting talented humans where they are at. I can speak on behalf of our entire team to say we are ‘all in’ to support these efforts.”

— Barry Newstead, Redbubble CEO

Our partnership with Code Like a Girl is just the beginning of a new community partnerships program that will help mitigate system barriers faced to underrepresented communities. And it goes beyond financial support. It means us showing up, delivering on our promises.

Over the next several months we are excited to bring the community in through our own doors and share our teams’ knowledge of how to build successful careers in all aspects of technology. We also plan to learn from our interactions with participants in how to lead and act more inclusively within our own teams and in the broader community.

We have so much to learn. So much to create — together.

We plan to share our journey of this partnership over time with you so be sure to check back in at the Redbubble Medium page.



Michael Kyle

Global Talent Leader @Redbubble, People Geek, Inclusion + Belonging Advocate, Cyclist, Singer…and Coffee Connoisseur.