7 Things You Should Check Before Booking a Bus Ticket Online Post COVID-19

Shraddhanvita Tiwari
redbus India Blog
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2020
Things to check while booking a bus ticket online

In light of the recent announcement made by the Prime Minister of India, it’s clear that although the COVID-19 lockdown is going to be extended for an uncertain period, it will also come with a little ease in restrictions and will have different rules and contours. However, India needs to get ready to be a part of the post-COVID-19 world where government restrictions, social distancing, and hygiene standards would be infused in all the activities we do. Even when you book bus tickets online, you must take care of a few things to ensure travel safety. redBus has brought you a list of check-points to remember before you book an online bus ticket!

Check if your bus is cleaned and sanitized

The first and the most important thing to check before booking a bus ticket online is the cleanliness of the bus. Sanitizing, deep cleaning and target disinfecting should be adopted by every bus operator as a part of a comprehensive travel safety program post-COVID19.

Check if your bus follows precautions against COVID-19

redBus has recently introduced a new feature called Safety+ that bus operators have implemented on their buses, which not only includes sanitizing the buses but also mandatory masks for the staff, hand sanitizers in all the buses, and regular temperature checks. Check if your bus follows these precautionary measures for COVID-19.

Check if your destination is right

No safety measure would ever work well if your chosen destination doesn’t come under the Coronavirus-free zone. Even if there is a slight risk of catching the virus, we would suggest that you postpone the journey. You can seek help from government-launched apps and helpline numbers to stay updated on the status of the coronavirus impact on your destination.

Check if there are a limited number of passengers onboard

To ensure social distancing and other norms are strictly followed during the journey, make sure that your bus has a limited number of passengers onboard. You can check this out while booking the bus ticket online by confirming the number of vacant seats around your chosen seat.

Check if you can track the bus

Nobody would like to be a part of the crowd or stand at public places for long periods of time in the post-COVID era. Hence, make sure that there’s an option to track your bus so that you need not wait for long in case of any delay.

Check if you can go cashless

As the Coronavirus pandemic limits the use of physical cash by people, using cashless transactions seems to be wise. Digital payment not only prevents you from physical contact but also adds up to convenience. Before booking a bus ticket, it’s important to see if you can pay digitally and also download the e-ticket on your mobile rather than showing a printed version.

Check if your boarding and dropping points are close to home

Whether you’re in a hurry or you’ve got an emergency, never forget to select the right boarding and dropping points. The changeover is something you may want to avoid in the post-COVID period while traveling, and the best thing about buses is that they have several boarding and dropping points that can save you from the inconvenience.

Following all the safety measures even while traveling on the bus is the new normal for the post-COVID world. In addition to all the check-points mentioned above, you may also consider booking your bus tickets online in advance due to the reduced number of seats available. redBus, your travel partner for booking a bus ticket online, ensures you have a safe and comfortable journey on the road.



Shraddhanvita Tiwari
redbus India Blog

Shraddhanvita is a blogger at redBus. A believer of ‘a rolling stone does gather moss’, she loves to travel, click photographs, and sip green tea.