RedCab: The team behind the project

Anna Basters
6 min readJul 6, 2018


Day by day, the RedCab project is moving forward to new heights and every small achievement brings huge excitement to our team members. The project progress is the team’s motivation to put more and more effort and passion in their work. The support from our community, investors and the new partners shows us, that we are moving in the right direction.

“Red and white jersey figures on rotating bars of the table soccer at Bornerbroeksestraat 2” by Pascal Swier on Unsplash

In this article, I want to introduce you to the team members who are working day and night for one reason: Developing a project, that will bring the benefits to the community.

Mohamed Mousa (CEO, Co-Founder)

Mohamed Mousa is the CEO and Co-Founder of RedCab LLC.

Before getting engaged with RedCab, Mohamed Mousa already had 11 years of working experience in different fields. The foundation of his successful career path started in the Benha University in Egypt, where Mousa graduated with a degree in Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.) focused in Accounting and Business/Management. He started his career at Vodafone International Services as a Customer Care Supervisor where he worked for 3 years. Later on, he continued his career at Vodafone as International Account Senior Supervisor. In this position he stayed for 5 years, the he joined Applexicon as head of commercial. His latest work experience was in Qatar, working for Qatar Airways as a Lead HR CC Officer where he worked for almost 3 years. One of his achievements at Qatar Airways was the increase of operational efficiency by 200% during 2016–2017.

Mohamed Mousa has a clear vision for RedCab’s future. His leader skills, and the international experience obtained from the previous positions, makes him a key member of RedCab, who is constantly motivating the team and drives the project to international success.

Walid ElGendy (CBO, Co-Founder)

Walid ElGendy, the CBO and Co-Founder of RedCab LLC is the professional, who is driving the business of RedCab in the right direction. He graduated from the Ain Shams University in Egypt with a degree in Bachelor in Business/Commerce. Walid ElGendy has 16 years of work experience in business related fields. His career began in in 2003 as a Telemarketing Analyst for Amecho Tech. He then co-founded the company Communicare-Marketing, where he played a key-role in establishing relationships with employees and customers. Later on, he has worked over 7 years for Vodafone Egypt as a International Accounts Senior Supervisor where he was managing the team and the communications with the customers. In 2014, Walid ElGendy joined Hudson Egypt in the role as Business Development Manager where he was negotiating business deals and managing the relationships with business partners. His latest activity before co-founding RedCab was founding the company Applexicon.

Through his rich work experience in business relations, Walid ElGendy has gained excellent communication skills and business know-how, which he is successfully applying in RedCab by establishing strategic relationships that help to strengthen RedCab’s positions in the market.

Asser Yehia (CTO, Co-Founder)

Asser Yehia is the technical expert at RedCab. He ensures, that the development of the technologies at RedCab is meeting the latest standards and beyond. Like Walid ElGendy, Asser Yehia is a graduate from Ain Shams University. He got a degree of Bachelor in Computer Science. Asser Yehia has 9 years of professional experience in his field. After graduation, he started his career as a Software Developer at ASSET Technology Group. After that he worked around 6 years for the company EMC as a Technical Support Engineer and Subject Matter Expert. In 2017, Asser Yehia joined OpenNext as a Technical Lead. His recent experience is the position of a Technical Project Manager at Seal Software.

Asser Yehia always stays up to date with the latest developments in the tech-industry. He is analyzing what is going on in the market and has a clear position on technological inventions. Asser Yehia is supporting the new developments, and pays attention not only to the technological part of the invention but is also analyzing it from the social point of view. His work experience and his constant interest for the new developments in the industry plays a critical role for RedCab’s goal to be one of the most technologically progressive companies in the market.

Mohamed Ameen (Creative Director, Co-Founder)

Mohamed Ameen, the Creative Director and Co-Founder at RedCab, knows exactly how to present the information for the community in the right way.

Mohamed Ameen received a Bachelors Degree in Business Information and Management Information System. However his creative personality made him to change his path and to start a career in design in the IT-industry. He became a professional UI/UX Designer with over 8 years of experience.

His designer career started at Crimson Codes as a Web Interfaces Designer. The following experience in the industry led him to the position as a Team Leader at Click ITS, a Website Design and Software Development company in Egypt. Later on he was working as a Senior Designer for EGYWEB and Technowireless. In 2017 before co-founding RedCab, Mohamed Ameen became the Digital Art Director at Kinetics.

The first impression is everything and Mohammed Ameen knows, how to create the right design for the perfect impression. He knows, what to do, to emphasize the message of the project and how to communicate with the community at the design level. Mohamed Ameen is passionate about understanding human behaviors. He is exploring the connection between people and technology. This constant research helps him to create meaningful, useful and delightful user experiences.

Fadi Nashed (COO, Founder)

Fadi Nashed is the COO and founder of RedCab LLC. He is the person, who made it possible by making the first step and starting build up a company from zero.

Fadi Nashed completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business/Commerce at Advanced Academy in Egypt. He has a total of 10 years working experience. Before starting RedCab, he was working for 7 years as IT Manager. Since 2016, he is full-time engaged with RedCab and he is successfully managing the active on-ground operations in the cities Hurghada and El-Gouna.

Any beginning is a difficult phase in a company. Many start-ups fail. Fadi Nashed is the one who had the belief in himself and in the company and he is the one who did not give up when facing obstacles. We at RedCab are very proud of having a running MVP that was operational long before the start of the ICO. By running the on-ground operations successfully, Fadi Nashed contributes to building up the trust between RedCab and the crypto-community for enabling further development

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

All founders of the RedCab team have made a long journey through success and failure, before arriving at the point where they are now. Their different background and the rich work experience makes them a great. Their motivation, excitement about the future and their constant interest in learning is the main driver of the project.

RedCab LLC. offers a decentralized peer-to-peer transportation solution to individuals. Utilizing the power of Blockchain technologies and a unique business model for a transparent, affordable, and innovative future. Founded in 2016, and launched in 2017 with a concrete roadmap unto the future of peer-to-peer transportation services. Proof of Driving and Proof of Marketing Concepts, AI Powered road assistant, Geo Ads for monetization, and a strong portfolio of on-ground operations in a very short time.

Our products are available on the App Store and Google Play for both clients.

Google Play

RedCab Passenger App —

RedCab Driver App —

App Store

RedCab on the App Store —

RedCab Driver on the App Store —

